@MacMeaties Not the end > He's still in love and keeps constantly pestering her and she, while monstrously pissed off, can't help but like him deep inside. So their tumultuous relationship continues~~~ ?
Was that actually a recurring character? I always thought he was just a side joke.
And I honestly don't want him to be anything more than that, I dislike that type.
Aah right Tanabe was in the restaurant arc too. It's not easy to remember side cast members (is he regular enough to be even side cast?) when they have one-note characterizations, in his case "is crushing on Misuzu."
Tanabe best boi for me. I think everyone are just exaggerating about how unmemorable he is, I mean he's like the only other male student in their class that have some significance
>be me
>"Huh, is this actually gonna go somewhere? That might be cute."
>check comments section
>everyone hates him
Rabid shipping fandoms. Not even once.