@robloxoof I wouldn't mind picking up shouma's other works. The thing is that I'm missing 2 key things to do it.
1) Volume raws: For Veteran Shougakusei at least, I think the succubus one doesn't have a printed version yet so I wouldn't have any other choice than use the web raws. Volume versions have extra stuff and sometimes there are differences between each version (ex: Misuzu's armor purge) In fact, I'm still working on tomodachi wo tsukurou since there's an extra chapter and the afterwords left.
2) A translator: The one that helped me with tomodachi wo tsukurou told me he was going to be busy for a good while and mentioned that the succubus web raws have some small letters he couldn't read. I'm really grateful to that dude, he gave me translation to all the chapters that weren't translated yet + extras, with references and everything in a span of around 4 days more or less. I had all the chapters translated even before I finished redrawing/typesetting vol1. isn't that HU-MAIZING?
So that's how it is, get me what I need and I will get to work.