dont see how anybody could enjoy reading this garbage.
1) side characters have more romance than the fucking MC and FMC, lmfao... fucking trash!
2) side characters have more development than fucking MC and FMC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3) side characters get more fuckign than fucking MC AND FMC!!!!! might as well removed the MC and FMC from the story and made this whole garbage about MC male friend character boning FMC female friend character complete garbo
so fucking glad I didnt spend more than 30 minutes skippin through this whole trash
I could have told you exactly how this shit was going to end when FMC friend said in early chapters she wished she had someone like MC that FMC had. WITH ZERO FUCKING DEVELOPMENT FOR THE M A I N F U C K I N G C H A R A C T E R S jesus, i cannnot believe this bullshit is gonna get a sequel, whats there to do? NOTHING