I don't know if you genuinely want to know or if that is just an indirect (read: dishonest) way of asking me to shut the fuck up.
So I'll just act like it was the former and tell you, and if you don't want to read it you can just not.
I can't abide fried chicken of any sort. I can't abide most other forms of cooked chicken either.
I'm not talking about taste. The smell makes me sick. Actually sick. I can't be anywhere near it. If people try to eat it near me, I have to leave the room, or else force them to leave the room.
Unfortunately it is also prolific. REALLY prolific.
London is absolutely infected with disgusting, cheap-arse fried chicken takeaway places, and every single one stinks. The smell permeates the streets to the point where I hate even going outside. I can't simply leave the room when most of the outdoors IS the room. They bring it on public transport, they leave the packaging lying about, and the stink gets everywhere. It is even worse than smoking, and I hate that too.
I've tried asking people not to. They laughed it off and continued. The idiots actually think I'm joking? I've insisted. They acted like I was in the wrong. I did get in a fight once because some guy insisted on eating chicken right next to me to the point where I was sick, so I was sick ON him.
So, simply put, it isn't just a matter of different taste preferences. Eating chicken is chemical assault at least as heinous as (if not more than) taking a drag from a cigarette and puffing the smoke out in someone else's face. Even in fiction seeing someone making or eating fried chicken of any sort makes me absolutely hate them. It is completely unforgivable.