Question Time:What is deal with highschool or in general a school full of girls with no boys?
It's an all girls school. Especially in the past they were quite common. It would have been immoral to put girls and boys in the same classrooms, plus the subjects taught would have differed. Of course when you go back in time enough, all schools were all boys schools because girls didn't receive formal education, they were just taught by mothers, grandmothers, aunts, maids, and such on how to be a wife, raise childen, and run a household. When girls finally gained the chance to receive education, it would have been typically dubious to put unrelated teenage boys and girls in the same rooms. Possibly things began to change in smaller towns for reasons of efficiency (this is just my guess, though). Finally modern equality made mixed schools more like the norm in developed nations, later further boosted by dropping birth rates and the consequent lack of children. But there's still a market for gender segregated schools in some cities, especially in conservative countries.