Tora to Hachidori - Vol. 4 Ch. 24.5 - Volume 4 Specials & Note

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 26, 2020
yeah this one was a bit of a letdown from Yodokawa, but I can recommend Maitsuki Niwa-tsuki Ouya-tsuki from him instead. that one won't disappoint.
Aggregator gang
Mar 25, 2023
Thanks for the huge translation batch! I didn't mind the rougher quality all that much, appreciate the work! Was nice to read this all at once.

Anyways, to be honest, I didn't mind the ending all that much. Y'all are right in that this felt like it had a lot more potential than it realized — but at the same time, I'm satisfied. I think it's because I feel the author accomplished what they set out to do, even if I feel the work had potential for so much more. It's a fun story with likeable characters that introduced and touched on aspects of fashion the reader may not be aware of, and I feel like that exploratory sharing of the author's passion for the field was the point in the end.

Perhaps I'm being generous, but their relationship not being explicit in any way felt like it fit the work. My personal criteria for whether I consider a work queerbait or not is simple: "Should there have been a kiss?" Does it feel like the work is inauthentic or incomplete due to the lack of explicit romance or not?

For this, I think the answer is no. I don't think the story is incomplete or inauthentic. Their relationship and the way they ended up sharing their life was sweet enough. Do I think the setting and characters had the potential to be a lot more, to focus more on that side of things? Absolutely. But the story that ended up being told was not that, and I hesitate to judge what it is based on a direction not taken.

I'unno. Just my thoughts. Probably helps that I really didn't get the sense that either of them are very romantic people — their acts of service felt like an honest representation of how they express care for each other.

Overall, it's not making my master list of recommendations as I had initially hoped, but I don't find myself as let down as I feared I might be. Always nice to learn something about the complex industries that modern life takes for granted, even if only a small slice.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 14, 2023
The lack of any explicit romance was a little disappointing but I still ended up really enjoying this series

Yodokawa is maybe the only yuri author that gets me more excited about the side characters and the slice of life elements than the actual romance and in that regard, I think these chapters really delivered

Thank you for the TL!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
Damn thanks for all the chapter!

But yeah since it sounds like the series is complete yuri bait, I dont Think I Will read it
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2023
Thanks! I wish they at least solidified it at the end that they became a couple. After all that this could have basically been exactly the same without the GL tag and nothing would differ since the extra specified they were roommates not girlfriends.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
OMG They were roommates!

Honestly I wasn't expecting much from this series since I saw the "subtext" tag on Dynasty, but this was certainly a nice surprise
Dex-chan lover
May 29, 2019
Thanks for your work! I'll still read the other group if they finish, but I really appreciate your effort.

As for the series itself, I'm pretty into SOL and this kind of genre, so I felt it was in-line with what I expected that they didn't have an explicit relationship... that being said, it was plenty cute so I'm satisfied. I also enjoy the rest of the author's works which are more "yuri" though.

Thanks again!

Edit: hard disagree on yuri bait for this series, but I've got some professional yuri goggles tbh
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Thanks for the translation dump, saved us all 2 years of waiting!

Really feels like the author hurried it along or got told to end it quick.

In like the last 5 chapters:

  • We learned that assistant manager wanted to be a designer
  • Designed her own personal brand
  • Quits the store and becomes a designer
  • Went from highly capable stern boss to someone who cries all the time, can barely do her job and get outshined by the newbie

  • Gyaru turns into a fashion saleswoman icon, with revolutionary ideas and better understanding of the fashion industry than a veteran for years.
  • Does nothing wrong at the job anymore, everything turns out fantastic
  • Turns into a working househusband
  • Hides everything from assistant manager, turns her into a sobbing mess, then is like oh no it was for you
  • Starts to just live in assistant managers house

  • Other store manager gets introduced just to bait, turn gyaru into a pro and becomes a complaint totem
  • Fashion design brand 2 man studio gets introduced JUST for their connections for assistant manager
  • Their depression, falling out, spiral out of control that would destroy their business gets solved in 1 chapter just by telling them "ignore the haters"

I agree with the others that it's fine that there is no yuri, it wasn't the right place for it anyway, but i also think it could have been a way better, natural development to reach where it ended.

My fav chapter probaly still is the shoplifting one, which displayed their different motives and way of thinking the best to reach a solution together.
Group Leader
Nov 10, 2020
Agree with your thoughts this felt more like hinting and little TINY development at the end... but on another note though I found really enjoyed the plot and the fashion/design part of it so... can't complain!

For YURI I would recommend the author recently work that one is amaziinggg.

Thanks for the TL
Dex-chan lover
Mar 26, 2018
Thanks for the TL.

Yeah, this felt rushed like it got told to end in this volume. Maybe something would have happened if there had been more time. Bit of a letdown, nevermind how the fashion and store plots got compressed to fit.
Jan 31, 2024
I wasn't going to really interact with this manga anymore, but I need to clear up a misunderstanding of my own making.

I when I spoke about the "Yuri" in this story I am specifically referencing the fact that the original publishing magazine (Comic Newtype) tagged this as "Yuri". To this day it's still tagged as such (check the "Official Raw" link in the Manga description.).

That's why I said what I said. I know I didn't elaborate so I apologize as I was worn out. I did every single chapter from 11-to the specials in under five days. So, I was burnt out and just mentally done. That being said I wanted this manga to be out for not only myself but everyone who was waiting for it.

I'm not throwing shade either at the other group. Wait for them too. They are slow but do good work.

And once again if you enjoyed this manga BUY IT. It's cheap and even though the story by MB (the author) was not great in parts (my opinion), the artist alone deserves some money as does MB. This should be the case for every manga you enjoy.

Anyways that's all from me with this series. I really appreciate that everyone seems to understand what I was trying to do here. I will be releasing some other obscure Yuri manga (again in batches), and they will be better quality. I learned a lot doing this and unlike some other groups out there I really do this out of passion for Yuri. So, you will never see me accept or ask for money: A. I don't deserve it (give to authors/ illustrators). and B. It doesn't sit right with me on a personal level.

Thanks everyone and regardless I hope you enjoyed this manga in some way, even if it's closure.

See you again.

(PS. This comment will also be posted on the main Comment section just for clarity).
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2019
crazy that this is tagged yuri in the raws. kinda feels like they just did it cause the author has a few yuri works
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
I was going to complain about the TL quality, then I read what you wrote at the end, and honestly, I can't blame you. I started skimming chapters at like... 15 or so. This started with so much promise, and then it was just... whatever. No idea what story the author was trying to tell.

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