@Amariithynar Except this doesn't apply because in both cases there was plenty of space to print the text properly to begin with, and because in both cases shifting the s into the previous line for no reason other than being utterly ignorant and incompetent made the longer one of the two lines even longer still.
"extremely standard in newsprint" – In the words of Glenn Fricker: Evidence or STFU
Style guides exist for a reason. And that reason is not – as you might like, so that you can smugly rub it in my face – to bully writers into submission for the sake of bullying, but to provide a collection of conventions that have shown and proven to be beneficial to the reader and as such would be a good idea to adhere to, too, would they not? That's also why dictionaries bother to include such conventions in their documentation:
Now, sure, feel free to ignore those conventions just because you can, but if you expect this to be welcomed unconditionally with open arms, here's an experiment I'd like you to try: Next time you're about to shake someone's hands, announce that you didn't wash after you using the toilet. Go on, I dare you. After all, it's just a convention for you to break, isn't it?