Enjoy ch 8: ""Aikawa is a mystery" By Toshiya Wakabayashi.
You may know the author from <Tsurezure Children> and <Kanako's Life as an Assassin>
Authors Twitter: https://twitter.com/sankakujougi
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She bought the same eraser and and tossed it into his pencil box just to talk with him!
She is one of inadequate! Set DEFCON3!!!
Also she reminds me of Uma Turman from Pulp Fiction.
The line about paranoid idea is funny
Hmm. I thought she was going to ask which one was hers, then pulling off the sleeve reveals her name.
Cus of that weird trend in Japan of writing the name of who you like on the eraser.
@0181sam as the other's said, she went out and bought the same exact eraser as his. Plus, I think she's keeping the mysterious vibe up cause she knows that the guy likes mystery novels and similar stuff.