Trace of Doomsday

Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
...why are there light-skinned people in this thumbnail?
I live in Minneapolis.
I know what North African people look like.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
Oh no, a zombie,
shoot all the not zombie people!
Oh no, he's
got my leg pulled into a cage with a zombie!
If only I was holding a gun with which I could shoot him a lot oh wait. Oh no
a hoard of rats let's slightly distract them instead of trapping or exterminating them!

Everyone in this acts like an idiot and none of them would be alive by now.
Jul 8, 2019
@Kanol, all the guards with the suits suck ass I mean the first dude that ran looking suspicious as fuck and they just beat the others leaving them to die. They could've literally just killed the zombie in the cage and there wouldn't be a threat there, but I don't what happened to the other places in the base.
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2019

Well you think about it, if u cant kill the zombies which you seem like you can't despite the many headshots. killing the humans will be effective since there will be one unkillable zombie instead of five unkillable zombies in case you forgot it was because the big guy got infected that they were able to break down the cell door.

When you kill someone depending on how the muscles react it sometimes won't let go, muscles don't immediately just go limp sometimes they can stiffen resulting you being trapped even if you blew that guys head off.

Exterminating rats takes a long time and its a repetitive process. from what I gather from the story you aren't allow to be leaving the premises to salvage stuff so they probably dont take the same route or exit everytime, the way those guys reacted to finding that big metal piece made it look like it was their first time discovering it.
Aug 29, 2018
I hate useless unfunny airheaded characters like that girl, she’s just annoyingly stupid and slow...
Aggregator gang
Nov 2, 2018
@Odilthan give her a break. Shes a shelter lab rat her whole life. No different than a sheltered girl whos now in a world she has to learn to survive. Give her some time for her to find her feet.
Sure she got the doctor killed, but thats part of her growth. Thats going to live with her and she wont forget it.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2020
this is awesome dont let ANY OF THE COMMENTS FOUL YOU this is gold and they arent uploading as much so just read it its just great
Mar 29, 2019
@Thrembs Cause this is made in China, the most racists towards people of colour, out of all the Asian groups/countries.

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