Translated language filter?

Sep 9, 2018
I don't know if this were already asked or not or even rejected/planned, as in the pinned first thread there's only
"Arabic Search Language Filter"
. which i presume is a plan to add arabic language to the original language filter and not adding Arabic Search and Language Filter. Correct me if wrong, i'm just confused.

but, i think it would be nice if the search also has something similiar to the "Filter Chapter Language" setting or you can call it "Filter Translated Language". So, we can avoid getting baited for a manga that didn't available yet in the language we chose to read or simply to help finding manga that already translated into a certain language
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
Filter chapter languages doesn't filter search results, new titles or any other container besides recently updated and the chapters on manga title pages.
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
Yeah it's a pretty niche request for development, but it would be useful in a few cases.
Sep 9, 2018
it's ok, i'm just asking that it would be nice if the Search function also has a filter for a certain translated language, like in the "Filter Chapter Language" setting that make MD only show us the chapter that are available in a certain language we use. The function is similiar but instead of filtering the chapter to be shown in the manga page, the filtering already been done when the search result came out. Kinda like E-hentai language tag that shows what doujins and manga available to read in a certain language.

I'm glad that there are others that think it's useful too. Thank you
before hand, sorry if i can't explain it better and yeah, i already read the sticky a plenty. But, as i explained again for nellic, I'm not asking for "Total chapter count (per language)". Heck, even by literal meaning word per word it's entirely two different things with what i'm asking here, at least for me. I'm just asking that it would be nice if the availability of a chapter language were also reflected in our search result or at least have the option to provide a result within a certain language.

And the reason why i pick this up, is simply because i think it would be nice and helpful for some people, especially those who more comfortable with their own national language. Because the search will directly gave them the list of what they can read. Instead of every manga available in the site within their search filter.

Also, yes i know that there's "Last updated timestamp to respect language filters". But it inside the chapter listing, which i presume will be more implemented inside the "reading" and "manga page" instead of the "Search" function itself. I'm not and don't want to argue for the plan naming scheme of devs, but that name is ambiguous to me for what it actually meant. So, my thought said that it's a sorting function per the time uploaded per language, instead of the usual per chapter sorting. Because there's already a time info for since when the chapter had been available to read. but if it does as what you say, then i'm good. regardless of how this went, i'm good. As this is a suggestion to build the site more, not an order from higher up that hold share to the site wellbeing.

Lastly, thank you
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2018
"Total chapter count (per language)" may seem like a completely different thing than what you're asking until you realize how the system would determine if a title is translated in a given language:

find the total number of chapters translated in that language. if it's greater than zero, it's been translated in that language. if it's zero, it has not
Sep 9, 2018
I see, if it's that way. i won't say anything more. Though, i think it quite a shame. because chapter count can be said had already been implemented to the system itself but only to the server and not the client. As if the system didn't count how many chapters had already existed in a certain language, how it will do the "filter chapters language" command? Because like you said, in order to display a chapter inside a manga, the system need to count it first. if not, it will display nothing. But, didn't it already counting when the chapter were uploaded?

Let say a manga has 684 chapter registered, listed as chapter 1 to chapter 342 in English and chapter 1 to 342 in spanish. the user want to filter or exclude the spanish from their list. So, the website will not count the chapters registered as spanish and treat it as zero and not display it to the user, and only display the english and other language chosen by the user. if this is not an application of counting already, then i will be confused with the analogy you used. Also, the id's also can be called as a form of counting, if you notice the differents of the digit of the id of a thread in the forum from last year till today, the id-s are all over the place but it follows one rule the newer always has bigger number than the older one.

In my view, "total chapter count (per language)" in the sticky, is not what you think as. But more to actually show how much chapter had been available for a language and possibly rejected because most of the time the newest chapter uploaded almost already reflect the number of the chapter available plus there's already reading progress that show how much chapter will be translated and available for that manga.

So, my saying for your statement, is if it possible to specifically to filter the chapter language inside the manga page, why it's not to filter it when you're searching the manga?

thank you, also sorry for using your own words against you
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2018
That wasn't an analogy, it was an actual representation of what the code would have to do unless you cache a value for every title for every language, which becomes an interesting logistical issue to maintain.

On the flip side, when fetching chapter lists it's going through the chapter table anyways, and simply excludes anything that doesn't have a language ID that's in your "show" list. It doesn't have to "count" anything
Sep 9, 2018
@MrIncognito @AbyssalMonkey
I see. Well, my statement about that part is invalid, then. Ah, i want to laugh to myself. still reading your own statement somehow makes me more thinking that it different, because to me it looks like moving the exclusion list of the language id in our show list into the search result instead.

Well, then let's just wrapped it up. before it become a fight of words, i lost. :v

Also, that "first and not the last" is truly your trademark, eh? @AbyssalMonkey

It's a fun discussion and honestly i don't think the rejected features are that bad to be rejected forever. But i can imagine how hard it is to develop a website from scratch and adding volatile features that can injure the system integrity will affect a lot to the site. So, niche request like this that are meant for small groups of people and requires a specific moderation system will be most likely rejected. Still, it would be best to add more categories to the sticky thread aside from rejected and planned. as i see many of the rejected suggestion is actually a useful features to have
Sep 9, 2018
I see, then we can only wait till either, an archive or database for listing the content of translation works being developed or an end user create a script to mod the site itself. before we can use niche features that are mostly an extention and more complex form of the already existing features.
Sep 9, 2018
Also, an option to do a full database download and save it locally might be a good idea to have. Although, it will tax the end user, especially the storage for caching the massive list, it might be can take a load off from the server. because except for the chapter content itself, most of the content inside the manga database had already been delivered to the client. So, the server only need to verify and update the local database when there's a change, rather than providing it in every access. But, that means there will be a need of some sort of an automated archiving system and a correspondence database in the site itself. Tachiyomi had done that, tho.

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