Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs - Vol. 5 Ch. 26 - The right way

Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I didn't even know those translations were taken down. I only knew bakapervert quit tl'ing it because of the official versions or something and some other guy picked it up. That explains why I haven't seen this one updated in my NU reading list for a while, lol. Thanks for informing me.
Aggregator gang
May 12, 2020
Bartford suffers from White Knight Syndrome. He wants to just be a background character and enjoy the simple pleasures he likes. But when it comes to people connected to him in some way or he halfway cares about suffering or being in peril, he cannot stop himself from stepping up and being the hero even if he is disliked or unappreciated for it.
Goes back to how he always bailed his sister out of every one of her problems back before the game world.
What drives me nuts about his personality is that he will absolutely not be honest with himself.
If you don't know what a white knight personality is, it's basically someone who is drawn to people in bad situations with a desire to "save" them. It's why he has been helping Olivia. It's why he stepped in to help Angelica when she was getting shit on by everyone. It's even why after all the bullshit those knucklehead royals in love with Marie have put him through, he even helped them.
Sadly, he never changes. Only the circumstances and surroundings do. Don't get me wrong. It's not terrible. But it's frustrating to watch at times.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 26, 2019
Bruh the group is originally from a Spanish group, I can see that coming, those MTL shit 😅
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I expected the quality of the translation the moment I saw it is from a spanish translator, that isn't a bad thing, I appreciate the effort that was done to bring us this chapter. I will asume that you used an automatic translator because some sentences are not expressed correctly, sometimes they are misgendered or characters are talking as if they were another person, this happens a lot if you are not paying attention to the grammar rules of english and

Por si el traductor lo llega a ver, te lo pongo en español también:
Esperaba que la calidad del capítulo no estuviera a la par con la de los grupos de habla inglesa viendo que este capítulo es de un grupo en español, lo cual no es algo malo, aprecio el esfuerzo que pusieron en sacar este capítulo en inglés, ben trabajo. Asumiré que utilizaron un traductor automático como google porque hay algunas oraciones que no están expresadas/traducidas correctamente, a veces el género es femenino cuando debería ser masculino y viceversa, en otras ocasiones, los personajes hablan como si fueran otra persona. Esto pasa cuando desconoces cómo traducir correctamente del inglés al español con la gramática que se utiliza. Palabras como "La, su, sus, del, el, etc." y otras que no tienen un sujeto explícito como "lograron" hacen difícil que se traduzca correctamente utilizando una máquina, porque no conoce el contexto y termina potencialmente traduciendo a una frase que no tiene sentido cuando se lee junto con las demás en inglés. Para dar un ejemplo, tradujeron la frase "¡Parece que lograron derrotar a los piratas del cielo!" como "It seems they managed to defeat the sky pirates", aquí el error es que "they" significa "ellos" cuando en éste contexto debería ser "you" que significa "ustedes" a pesar de que "ustedes" no está escrito. Otro ejemplo sería "Olivia curó sus heridas" que se tradujo como "Olivia healed her wounds", el problema es que se puede leer de dos maneras, "Olivia curó sus (propias) heridas" u "Olivia curó sus heridas" (las de otra persona) y se escriben de distinta forma, la traduccion correcta debió haber sido "Olivia healed his wounds" porque curó las heridas de un personaje masculino.

Esto se soluciona con la práctica. Buena suerte.

Is this Fire Emblem or something? Did he reach level 20 for maximizing promotion bonuses?
Aggregator gang
Jan 27, 2019
why do people that obviously do not speak or use english in their life INSIST on translating manga into english?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 28, 2018
The translator stated English isn’t his first language since his primary language is Spanish. The previous translation group Striptease went MIA and probably dropped this for a dumb reason cause the manga is licensed. I’ll take what I get it couldn’t be helped. If you truly want to help increase the translation quality go on and join their group with the translation.
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2018
I'm glad this got picked up, but the English itself is hard to read and difficult to understand. I can only hope that a more proficient translator redoes this, if possible. ESL Engrish translations aren't ideal, if they can be avoided.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2019
Wooo. Hahaha. The MC keeps falling forwards and stumbling ass over heads in trying to be a mob.

Thank you so much for the translations. The pronouns get a bit mixed but isn't much of a problem to understand.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2018
after this a while angela and olivia would come after leon and shackle him down to marriage lol
leon is best girl lmao
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
it saddens me when such a great series like this are being worked by people who didn't bother to present a quality work. TL-san, please put yourself as the reader after you finished translating/scanlating, would you enjoy reading it? me? NOPE. my brain is shutting off multiple times because of sheer amount of sentences that didn't connect and had to manually re-translate so i can understand the context.

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