Truth - Oneshot

Resident Yuripig
Feb 4, 2018
The story is somewhat confusing, so I'll try to provide some background information as best as I can. Since these characters do not have names, I'll be referring to them as Ponytail Girl, Short Hair, Long Hair, and Secret Girl.

The story begins with the first page, the January 2012 Cover (Pure Girl). We learn that the girl on the cover (Ponytail Girl) is interested in the girl in the classroom (Short Hair). On the back of the cover (page 2), we learn that Short Hair has some sort of relationship with another girl (Long Hair). Since they appear to be putting their clothes back on, it implies that these two girls had sex. On the third page, the March 2012 Cover (Precious Friends), we learn that Ponytail Girl is friends with Long Hair. Inside this volume (page 4), we see Long Hair gazing at Ponytail Girl. This either means that Long Hair has feelings for Ponytail Girl (wants to be more than just friends), or is thinking about when she had sex with Short Hair (which was performed on Ponytail Girl's desk). On the 5th page, the May 2012 Cover (Jealous Girl), we see Long Hair looking at Short Hair from a distance, with a concerned look on her face. On the back of the cover (page 6), we learn that Short Hair is in a relationship with a fourth girl (Secret Girl). On the 7th page, the July 2012 Cover (Blue Tears), we see Long Hair and Short Hair at the aquarium, presumably on a date. However, Short Hair doesn't seem interested at all, having all her attention on her cell phone. On the eighth page, the September 2012 Cover (Sound of Silence), Long Hair and Ponytail girl are at some kind of festival together. Long Hair has a surprised look on her face, because she sees Short Hair with Secret Girl (9th page). Finally, November 2012's issue concludes the story.

To summarize:

– Ponytail Girl has feelings for Short Hair
– Short Hair and Long Hair had sex (implying they are in a relationship); Ponytail Girl doesn't know about this
– Ponytail Girl and Long Hair are best friends (Long Hair may want to be more than just friends though)
– Short Hair and Long Hair are dating
– Short Hair is in a relationship with Secret Girl; Short Hair is cheating on Long Hair
– Ponytail Girl and Long Hair go to a festival, where they see Short Hair and Secret Girl together
– Long Hair asks Short Hair why she is still with Secret Girl (Implying that Long Hair had previously asked Short Hair to break up with Secret Girl. Whether or not this is before or after Short Hair and Long Hair started dating is up for debate)
- Long hair liked ponytail but as they were friends (of the same sex too) she was afraid to confess and get rejected.
- She was jealous of short hair because ponytail seemed to like her. Apparently ponytail used to speak about her all the time. (Pay attention to this detail because it will be important later.)
- Short hair was already going out with secret girl
- Long hair was afraid of losing pony tail so she went ahead and seduced short hair. She was successful.
- Apparently she already knew about secret girl so she blackmailed short hair into going out with her.
- This is where it starts to get shady. Why the hell would she go ahead and seduce short hair? She probably wanted to make pony tail jealous and somehow by seducing short hair she would keep pony tail for herself. She also had sex with short hair on top of ponytail's desk so it's obvious she had ill intentions.
- Long hair in some kind of prolonged revenge went and told ponytail stories of how she and short hair were so lovey dovey.
- She knew short hair was going out with secret girl so when she saw them again together, she told her to dump her. During this time she might have or not fallen in love with short hair. It's also highly possible she wanted to keep fooling ponytail by pretending everything was ok with short hair and that they were still lovey dovey.
- Long hair and ponytail went to the festival together and this is when it starts to get ugly.
- Secret girl calls long hair out by saying the one she was interested in pony tail.
- Short hair reveals the “blackmail” and secret girl breaks up with short hair (pay attention: MAKING HER SINGLE).
- Pony tail ends her friendship with long hair and we are left with a “crying” ponytail and a shorthair with a broken heart.
- We see a smile on ponytail's face and the story ends right there.

What does that smile mean?
Ponytail obviously planned everything out. In her flashbacks we see she knew about short hair and secret girl going out. Long hair didn't know that pony tail knew about the relationship between those 2, so that's why this worked. This might be stretching it a little but we all know that smile means “just as planned”.

Here's how it happened:
- Ponytail likes short hair but short hair and secret girl are going out. How can she break them up without getting her hands dirty in the process?
- She has a friend and she knows that friend doesn't see her as a friend only.
- She knows that even if she is able to steal short hair, long hair is going to get in the way
- She knows her very well so she starts by purposely talking about short hair to make long hair jealous
- The plan works and long hair is now “dating” short hair
- Mysteriously, they end up going to the same festival that short hair and secret girl are attending
- A fight starts, secret girl breaks up with short hair then ponytail ends her friendship with long hair.
- Ponytail comforts short hair and smiles deviously knowing she has finally gotten what she wanted in the first place.
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
oh boi, that girl is so desperate man.....

Hope to see more story, but one shot is okay...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2018

Aggregator gang
Aug 19, 2018
I like the idea of a story told via a series of covers. And relationship melodrama is a good vehicle for that kind of story since you can have a lot of covers that seem like nice couples, but weave in details that indicate a more complex story if they are viewed together. But I dislike just how nihilistic the ending is. You spend a bunch of time reading and rereading all the covers and the oneshot to piece it together, and your reward for all this work is to read about a bunch of selfish and manipulative people who wind up miserable. The only happy character at the end is a sociopath, and the only nice character ends up alone and crying. I still found it interesting on a technical level, but I would have preferred a happy or bittersweet story, rather than a story this tragic.
Resident Yuripig
Feb 4, 2018
@le3 - Yeah, it's an old scanlation from Bakkin. I was surprised it wasn't on here, so I put it up.

@Cyro11 - Nah. I doubt if it was a drunken rage. Namori's always had a bit of a dark side. If you look really closely you can kinda see it come out every now and then in Yuru Yuri, then she brings the comedy back in so that it doesn't get too heavy.

@MakotoShinozaki - maybe, but I don't think that has any bearing on the story if it's true or not. Ponytail wants Short Hair and will stop at nothing to get her, evidenced by her convoluted plan.

@mirewitch - I KNOW RIGHT! Isn't it great!!!

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