Tsui no Taimashi ―Ender Geisterー

May 18, 2020
The females eyes give it away, this is Gesundheit isn't it?
surprisingly his hentai manga is more detailed & meticulous than this one. deadline sure make some difference in quality.
Jan 22, 2018
@naragin Indeed, it is Gesundheit. Oddly enough, despite the story and theme looks less wacky than those "other" works (which are totally absurd)😄
Active member
Apr 25, 2020
I did not expect proper firearm handling and showing actual shot recoil.

Kinda impressive to be honest.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
I expected this to be garbage, but surprisingly it's not. The action scenes are meticulous, and have a lot of attention to detail. There's a good sense of flow to them that makes them easily readable. The mc doesn't come across as invincible and I imagine when they eventually face a tough foe it will be quite a struggle. Adversity is essential for tension.

The characters act like actual human beings. The mc is a fine balance between being personable and withdrawn. He isn't childish or a smug dickhead like a lot of mc's today, and he actually has enough personality that he isn't just a blank slate. The two leads act professional when they're on the job, but both have interests that excite and differentiate them. They also have a fair amount of emotional baggage left over from their pasts, which adds an element of mystery that can be slowly revealed as they grow close enough to share it. Despite this, they are both functioning adults and not brooding mopey sad sacks. The comedy character is rather wacky, but I get the impression that this is just a front he puts up to deal with his stressful job.

Overall, a lot more thought has been put into the writing of this series than a lot that come out today. It's actually willing to pace itself, and doesn't resort to blasting the reader with pages of exposition so that it can race to fill its checklist of shitty cliches like every ln/wn adaptation I've ever seen. There is appropriate down time between the action scenes to allow the tension to rise and fall organically and give the characters time to grow. It doesn't feel the need to explain unnecessary details about the world that the audience can intuit on their own.

It does have a fair amount of fan service, but it's more tastefully done than this sort of thing usually is. The characters don't call attention to it, and it doesn't distract during what are supposed to be serious scenes. It doesn't come across as something ridiculous or out of place for the characters to do. So far anyway. The mc has actual self control and isn't a slobbering pervert.

Unfortunately the translation leaves a bit to be desired. Scanalation is a lot of work so I'm thankful to them for that. I'm glad they did take the time to scan this and it's much better than just having it remain on the pile of manga that I'll never be able to read. I frequently read machine translated works, so it's not much of a hurdle for me and I've certainly seen worse, but if that sort of thing is a big deal to you it might be a issue.

Overall, I recommend you give it a shot. The title, cover, and description didn't give me high hopes, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2018
Exorcists as a concept is nothing new but the way this Manga portrays it is Hella cool 😎😎

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