Get what you mean, but he always seemed obsessed with his research and now he's practically reaching a new level and use for said research, so honestly think his actual character is just being more showcased, that's not saying there is no possibility of that dungeon slowly numbing his senses, but hope that's not the case
I think its a combination of both. The Dungeon is obviously numbing his senses and they said that but I think him finding fulfillment and a spark of confidence has eased him into it easier than it normally would have. He feels like he finally belongs somewhere. That's what I think anyways
Respect for mc committing to his craft and telling her how it is. Bro is not giving up the dream for the healer lmao.
Even in the party MC didn't particularly care about his treatment or the place, he just wanted to work on potions, so its not unthinkable for MC to suddenly shift gears since the dungeon is a better place or his desires. Dungeon certainly adjusted his mindset towards humans but I feel like it isn't totally unexpected for Rick.
I just hope Mary won't become another stain in his dungeon or worst, become a husk of her former self due to trauma from seeing her party member fall like fly in that dungeon..... Or maybe Rick should just do like what other pervert dungeon mc do and make her his slave
I think it's more a matter of timing and knowledge. She knows about dungeon contracts, so to her that kind of sign of intelligent planning indicates that a dungeon contract is in play. Since the timing of the dungeon formation lines up with when MC left, she reached the conclusion that he must be the one in the contract.
The MC was never a nice guy. He's been a potion freak all along. That's been the most important thing to him. Of course, he wasn't a mean guy either.
As for evil... No one is forcing adventurers to enter dungeons. Every adventurer knows the deal: Try to enter the dungeon to kill monsters (loot) and loot the big treasure chest. In return the dungeon will try to kill you.
On page 11 she didn't say "and only you woud come up etc." She said "The time when the dungeon was discovered coincided with the time when Rick was expelled from the party, and I can't think of a way for a monster to send just one survivor from the party back to town.
MC started out not as a stunted person, but as a complete piece of shit who hadn't found how to do whatever he wanted.
He didn't care that Allen is an amoral, illiberal, evil narcissistic sociopath... because the MC is one!
He can't be upset with Allen, but it's due to professional respect; I had no idea!
But now we know that these two rivals are both actually evil and heinous in every way; they will both use other people as tools, amd have no concept of morality as modern society knows it.
And, yes, I realize I'm mostly talking about so called "Western" society; but I believe in basic human rights, so I won't be accepting some human societies as "modern"
... and I don't care.
Treating humans as tools, and not respecting human life is where I draw the line as a modern society. Deal with it. It's not like I'm judging the Author for writing a story, nor do I require anybody's agreement.
I'mma keep reading, because... well... while I despise the idea from a moral standpoint, I think it can make a good story!
I'm excited to see where this goes!
(But jeebus, what an evil piece of shit! LOLOLOLOL!)