Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu - Vol. 14 Ch. 92 - Hell’s Kitchen

Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2019
It's weird how Tomoe just explained how Makoto gets angry about curses and stuff regardless of if it happens to him but then the twins see his face and get the feeling that he doesn't care about anybody else. :unsure:

He's probably being mischaracterized by his appearance as one not blessed by the goddess. But at the same time, there have been scenes in his past that really question his mental state. Don't think it's really elaborated on any of that to this point, but this could be another nod to his childhood self.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
Doubling down on being wrong, I see. Lets quote everything in full, shall we?

To which I then replied;

No, the blessing that she gave him specifically was for language other than with other Hyumans; Hyumans themselves have both a blessing of shared language and also of beauty, conforming to the tastes of the Goddess.

So, Kaarme spoke of beauty being a part of the goddess' blessing, which it is, and then speculated on it being part of the twins' misjudgement. You were incorrect stating that it's only language, and I corrected you. You now are trying to claim that Kaarme thought that the blessing gave power, which I have again proven wrong and am again correcting you. Case closed.
How is saying the blesing he recieved was only language is wrong?

For that matter where does it say the goddess' blessing on hyumans includes beauty?
Jan 18, 2018
Isn't he supposed to be ugly in the eyes of the hyumans, as he's lacking the goddess's blessing? I reckon a part of the twins' misjudgement is due to that. If he looks like a goblin in their eyes, they'd find it more difficult to find empathy in his visage.
no spoilers but nah that aint it bruh
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
How is saying the blesing he recieved was only language is wrong?

For that matter where does it say the goddess' blessing on hyumans includes beauty?
It's wrong because, as noted, it includes their beauty; Makoto being born to a pair of Hyumans outside of her influence and thus not recieving her blessing at birth (there's a bit more to it but that's spoilers so not saying; it's sufficiently reductable to "not recieving it because in other world") and having average looks equivalent to a modern human demonstrates that well enough. And it has mentioned that multiple times across several chapters leading up to this one.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
But I belive that a more general "the training went well, they are improving" is not a trivial report. Then, as you said, there's Lime.
The fact that she didn't report meeting one of the heroes that stabbed Lime and because of that made him her kin it's not a mistake, it's keeping secret from the person that she is supposed to serve like a slave (80-20 contract), but that lets her freely do whatever she wants....since we're at this point, why doesn't she spit in his face and calls him a bitch lol (I'm exaggerating again, take it as an unfunny joke)
She is not keeping any secret from him... Did he ask who did that to Lime? No. (the first fuckign thing i would have asked given that it would mean that the enemy went past her) Instead he just stands there and lets all the people do the work.

Instead she is doing exactly as told, bring more skilled people in, develop the demiplane and gather intelligence. The thing is that you don't like the way she is doing it, cause she is free to do it however she wants to and report only what she deems necessary (the biggest flaw), and that was enabled by Makoto himself. It is HE that needs to sit her down and tell her exactly how she needs to behave onward if he doesn't like what she did. It is not about her being rebellious or disrespectful, it is about the lack of leadership from Makoto, cause he is the one who needs to wrangle all those loose chickens if he wants them do his bidding.

If you need to be angry at someone, it should be Makoto, not Tomoe.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Bruh... i moved to another country and i can't stop thinking about getting the dishes i liked back home, even tough my new home shares a lot of similarities. I can't imagine what would it be to go to a whole different world, and start from scratch. Thinking about food when abroad is what real people do.
Except like in any other isekai manga it's gushing about muh superior nippon dishes folded a thousand times, not about new dishes at all.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
(joke only)
Root will says that transferring mana from him to Makoto will make it faster, and make Makoto feel to increase his mana capacity, by kissing.
Sep 25, 2018
It's weird how Tomoe just explained how Makoto gets angry about curses and stuff regardless of if it happens to him but then the twins see his face and get the feeling that he doesn't care about anybody else. :unsure:
dude, if you read the web novel, you will know that he dont care about humans of that world. he dont care if his students die which shiki worries about and tries to persuade him to realize that he is racist about the humans of the world with a select few for him to care about. gods hinted that his talent is never about archery and its far more sinister in its nature. the mc is basically a psychopath and worlds are destroyed if requirements are not met when he falls down on that world, like that one time when he turned a country into dust just to lure the male hero. you know its bad when the male hero looks decent on the scene.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
I'm seeing a lot of talk about mental disorders and... here's my take:

Makoto is a dude who has a bit of trouble socializing and who has insecurity. That's not a mental disorder, that's called being a teenager.

Then he gets tossed into a world where he's too ugly to be allowed to communicate with his own race. He's shown empathy to a lot of people, especially others who were looked down upon by the goddess and essentially cursed into living on the outskirts.

He grows close to some non-hyuman people and then they get killed by some bad hyumans. This makes him angry, especially since some of his naivete erodes and he's forced to realize reality is harsh. This is a normal reaction to have. Anger is sometimes hard to let go and grudges happen to normal people if the offense is big enough.

He meets and empathizes with other hyumans just fine when they're not looking down on him.

But when the goddess rigs the world to discriminate against him, there's obviously going to be a lot more people who will treat him in such a way he doesn't want to care about them.

Again, not caring about people who discriminate against you is a normal human reaction.

Makoto starts out fine, and is then subjected to a combination of waking up to a new reality and a few mentally scarring events. You could say he has developed PTSD, but he is neither a psychopath nor a sociopath, nor some racist who hates hyumans, nor some other abnormal person because of [insert condition here].

I'd say its more fair to say Makoto is starting to develop certain perceptions, preferences and mental blocks because he's a mostly normal person put in extraordinary circumstances. And as things happen, he will continue to develop.

TL;DR: Makoto does not inherently have a mental disorder but has probably developed PTSD and trust issues since coming to this new world.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 13, 2019
She is not keeping any secret from him... Did he ask who did that to Lime? No. (the first fuckign thing i would have asked given that it would mean that the enemy went past her) Instead he just stands there and lets all the people do the work.

Instead she is doing exactly as told, bring more skilled people in, develop the demiplane and gather intelligence. The thing is that you don't like the way she is doing it, cause she is free to do it however she wants to and report only what she deems necessary (the biggest flaw), and that was enabled by Makoto himself. It is HE that needs to sit her down and tell her exactly how she needs to behave onward if he doesn't like what she did. It is not about her being rebellious or disrespectful, it is about the lack of leadership from Makoto, cause he is the one who needs to wrangle all those loose chickens if he wants them do his bidding.

If you need to be angry at someone, it should be Makoto, not Tomoe.
First of all, it might "piss me off", but I'm not angry at anything lol
"Did he ask who did that to Lime? No."...u for real? He doesn't even know they met Tomoki lol. How is he supposed to ask?
Back in chapter 66, it's already weird he realized Tomoe cleaned only the wakizashi, stating it was weird. Tomoe replied that she "showed it to someone interested" while in reality she used it to cut her flesh (forearm) to make Lime her kin. Plus, as in this chapter, we know that Tomoe knows that Makoto doesn't like this type of changes, yet making Lime a half-dragon is something she wanted to do anyway (as she stated in pag 19), again, full knowing Makoto, her master she so love and care for, don't like that...and when "almost caught" (in chapter 66) she lied. I don't know how this isn't keeping secrets in your book. Because in my book it is and the story is showing me just that.
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 13, 2019
It's wrong because, as noted, it includes their beauty; Makoto being born to a pair of Hyumans outside of her influence and thus not recieving her blessing at birth (there's a bit more to it but that's spoilers so not saying; it's sufficiently reductable to "not recieving it because in other world") and having average looks equivalent to a modern human demonstrates that well enough. And it has mentioned that multiple times across several chapters leading up to this one.
If I may point out a small thing: the reason hyumans are extremely good looking is because the goddess created them so, basing their form on greek statues and concept of beauty and equilibrium out of her own narcisism. Makoto is not average looking just because he wasn't born under her influence and this can be confirmed by the fact that both his sisters (the older one being born not long after the parents left the goddess world and so still with some "power" or something from the goddess world, making her a hyuman born on earth; the youngest one born after the parents fully adapted to earth and so making her almost a full human) are considered a 9-10 on the "beauty scale" for earth standards. Makoto was...."unlucky" to be the ugly duckling in a family of swans. Makoto is a 5 on earth standard, so in the goddess world, he's a 2.
Besides, the goddess "stole" Hibiki and Tomoki for their beauty...and they are fully humans, so there's no actual "beauty blessing". The blessing is the usual power the gods bestow: the power to understand and speak the language, Tomoki's charm or
Hibiki's charisma (that works as Tomoki's charm)
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2019
She is not keeping any secret from him... Did he ask who did that to Lime? No. (the first fuckign thing i would have asked given that it would mean that the enemy went past her) Instead he just stands there and lets all the people do the work.

Instead she is doing exactly as told, bring more skilled people in, develop the demiplane and gather intelligence. The thing is that you don't like the way she is doing it, cause she is free to do it however she wants to and report only what she deems necessary (the biggest flaw), and that was enabled by Makoto himself. It is HE that needs to sit her down and tell her exactly how she needs to behave onward if he doesn't like what she did. It is not about her being rebellious or disrespectful, it is about the lack of leadership from Makoto, cause he is the one who needs to wrangle all those loose chickens if he wants them do his bidding.

If you need to be angry at someone, it should be Makoto, not Tomoe.
Well Tomoe was understating her report of what happened. Actually she didn't even say anything. It was Lime who only said he was hurt, so he became her kin. No mention of fighting someone. No mention of Tomoe being there with Lime. If he didn't know what happened, he couldn't ask who did it.

But I guess yeah, Makoto simply just doesn't care about others, that's why he didn't ask. So, it's kinda moot to argue. But based on the typical servant-master relationship, she's more on the rebellious side. In most other manga, Tomoe's actions warrant a report regardless of whether the master asks or not.

That said, there's definitely one action that showed her disrespecting Makoto. She lied when she said she didn't understand root's lecture about traveling between worlds. This is despite the fact Makoto explicitly asked her.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
If I may point out a small thing: the reason hyumans are extremely good looking is because the goddess created them so, basing their form on greek statues and concept of beauty and equilibrium out of her own narcisism. Makoto is not average looking just because he wasn't born under her influence and this can be confirmed by the fact that both his sisters (the older one being born not long after the parents left the goddess world and so still with some "power" or something from the goddess world, making her a hyuman born on earth; the youngest one born after the parents fully adapted to earth and so making her almost a full human) are considered a 9-10 on the "beauty scale" for earth standards. Makoto was...."unlucky" to be the ugly duckling in a family of swans. Makoto is a 5 on earth standard, so in the goddess world, he's a 2.
Besides, the goddess "stole" Hibiki and Tomoki for their beauty...and they are fully humans, so there's no actual "beauty blessing". The blessing is the usual power the gods bestow: the power to understand and speak the language, Tomoki's charm or
Hibiki's charisma (that works as Tomoki's charm)
I said spoilers so I wasn't saying, but I gotta address this, so everything is going into the spoiler box:
The Hyuman's 'Blessing of the Goddess' helps shape them according to her aesthetic; without it, Hyuman form would end up deviating from her preference. This is why there is still plenty of variance between individual Hyumans, but they all adhere to the same general aesthetic; in manga and especially anime form it's less obvious because everyone just ends up looking even more similar due to artist style, though. This is a standard blessing that all Hyumans get, no matter what. It also helps them process magic through giving prayer to her when casting spells, relieving some of the burden of casting magic from them which in turn makes them more dependent on her; there's also the War Blessing, where any time the forces of Hyumanity fight against any other race, they are blessed by the Goddess with greater military prowess across all catagories; it was a big deal that Makoto wasn't affected when the Goddess Blessing Interference Ring was activated, do remember.

You were close on addressing the older sister being born around when the blessing was fading, but again, it is a blessing that helps adhere to the Goddess' sense of beauty; you can see that Yukiko doesn't deviate much from either parent, but Mari, the younger sister, is fairly different in her facial and body structure, just as Makoto is. In her case, however, she still ended up with good appearance through good genes while Makoto didn't, and those two were born entirely after the blessing had faded. He's not even really a 5 in earth standard terms, more like a 6 or 7 quite frankly, but it's not by conventional beauty standards (eg. he's not tall and thin or has a particularly pretty face, so not 'beautiful' like a kpop star, but rather he's very fit and leanly well-muscled due to his training to near superhuman levels to counteract his naturally weaker Hyuman physiology); it's only in comparison to Hyumans (in text at least) that he comes across as if he's a 2, because it's in line with the Goddess' sense of beauty and he has very little sense of self-worth (which is one of the reasons for his insane magic pool, through the process of zen "killing oneself" he does, which multiplies his existing mana pool; being Hyuman also meant he had a much larger mana pool than any Human).

Hibiki and Tomoki's beauty are why they were stolen (not "stolen", they were just outright stolen), but the Goddess' Blessing was not applied to them. They recieved separate blessings, just like Makoto recieved himself, because that is a requirement baked into the entire premise of taking dimensional travelers; in Tomoki's case, there's the infinite regeneration under the moonlight (likely due to being seen as almost vampiric by the Goddess) as well as the Demonic Eye and the magic capability and capacity of a Summoned Hero, and finally comprehension in Common; in Hibiki's case, as well as comprehension in Common, magic capability, and magic capacity that makes up a basic "summoned hero" package, it was an enhancement to the effect of her natural charisma on a subliminal level similar to Tomoki's Demonic Eye, which ties into the second power she gains, conceptual empowerment; she gets powered up according to people's concept of her, which is why she became stronger and more aligned with Hyumans as she was adjusted to fit the concept they had of her as a hero, on top of her already impressive skills prior to being stolen away by the Goddess. Makoto's blessing was "lesser" than theirs, in that it is a singular facet rather than multiple (including skipping the basic 'Summoned Hero' package), but because of the Goddess' laziness it was actually the strongest, since she didn't discriminate except against the common Hyuman language, granting him a slightly modified Mastery of Words, which is, when complete, entirely a godly-tier power. His elemental affinities and magic casting are entirely his own efforts, as with the rest of his skillset aside from Sekai, which was the power granted to him by Tsukiyomi.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 13, 2019
So basically
Mari is the lucky one? kinda? I always thought it was Makoto that was "wronged" by genes/parents lol
I also thought hyumans (or hyumen? lol) are just born like that....I didn't consider the Goddess blessing...or rather, more than blessing, I thought more of a sort of influence (when I wrote that "power")
Again, I thought hyumans are naturally goodlooking because they are born in that world...didn't think that Goddess would bless every single one of them....yet, for beauty, she'd do this and more...she could also be called damegami :aquadrink:
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
So basically
Mari is the lucky one? kinda? I always thought it was Makoto that was "wronged" by genes/parents lol
I also thought hyumans (or hyumen? lol) are just born like that....I didn't consider the Goddess blessing...or rather, more than blessing, I thought more of a sort of influence (when I wrote that "power")
Again, I thought hyumans are naturally goodlooking because they are born in that world...didn't think that Goddess would bless every single one of them....yet, for beauty, she'd do this and more...she could also be called damegami :aquadrink:
Yup. It's a blessing on the entire race, not each individual Hyuman, though. It only applies within her sphere of influence, though, which is why it faded from his parents, and Makoto and Mari were born without it, as well. Think of how the War Blessing works; it's not individual, it's to the Hyumans' side, or when two Hyuman factions fight, they compete to get the blessing and whichever side gets it wins. And yes, Hyumans are naturally more aesthetically pleasing than Humans are, on average.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
It's weird how Tomoe just explained how Makoto gets angry about curses and stuff regardless of if it happens to him but then the twins see his face and get the feeling that he doesn't care about anybody else. :unsure:
I mean there's a difference between being nice and being kind (though they'll swap depending on who you ask. To be blunt, most likely someone will want to help someone else that's been shot. They'll call an ambulance and be a little shocked. But ultimately they don't care about that person's wellbeing. At least not truly. Maybe they call a few times to check in on their condition, but it's unlikely they form a long lasting relationship with the rando they called an ambulance. In comparison if your parent were in the same situation you'd actually deeply care about it and them.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2019
Citizens of this isekai don't have much thought of "empathy". It was touch a bit when the female hero, kitchen helper and Mio discuss things.

The so so called "empathy" is considered weird (selfless, helping others with nothing to gain). It's cultural differences between Makoto's world and isekai world.

Tomoe and Mio didn't report much is Makoto's fault. He just want results without seeing the process. Just like CEO of big company, they don't care how it's done as long as it get done.

Another good example is how we as consumers tends to shout about slavery but most of our daily necessities are results from it and nobody cares, it just lip services.


Apr 17, 2018
It's weird how Tomoe just explained how Makoto gets angry about curses and stuff regardless of if it happens to him but then the twins see his face and get the feeling that he doesn't care about anybody else. :unsure:
He doesn't care about the person itself, he cares about the situation.

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