I guess Rembrandt is actually super evil and acted like a good guy to obtain both companies while assassinating the president and the daughter he supposedly loved.
Cant find a decent male MC with a sex drive in Jpn... That or he's gay. You feel nothing when looking at Mio or Tomoe?! BS. More and more difficult to take Jpn manga seriously... Dont have this bs when looking at Korean or Chinese manga...
@korra_lover we see little of what goes on, he has only known them for half a year plus one is an glutenous spider that tried to eat him and the other and weeb dragon that tried to kill him. Even if his emotions seem a bit dull it would take some time for him to have even the slightest tickle in his pickle for them
It's explained later why he's not attract to them , because
they're the first one that close to him when he come to this world so he consider them family, like the troublesome little sisters, and he certainly don't want to see them as sexual target.
Although later in the story, he actually consider to accept Mio as his first time, but it's still quite a while from now on.