Thanks for the chapter!
Hibiki is deluding herself. Just because the goddess favors humans and accepting it as the way the world is shows her immaturity. Demons know the same thing and are desperately fighting along with whatever countermeasures they've been able to come up with. As for discrimination to fade away it's not going to start once the war is over as many humans are still heavily discriminating against anything not human. Discrimination ends when people understand, want to change, and want to get along so time passing isn't helpful. There was a movie with Robert De Niro called Men of Honor taking place in the year 1948 about the first black Master Diver. Over 80 years since the Civil War and not only did a Commanding Officer pull dirty tricks to keep him from graduating, but during an underwater test ordered that he not be brought back up unless a cold corpse. Even today still have the KKK making protests and committing illegal acts.