I've read this far in a day.
I had some speculations I posted earlier.
Some were correct.
Some, however, weren't. Very much so.
Such a complex background.
My feelings towards Mayuka's father are not good.
But, it's only in recent generations that we've really embraced the concept of romantic love having anything to do with marriage.
For most of the existence of our species, marriage has been about forming socio-economic alliances where control will pass down through the children.
Of using ties of blood to cement alliances, to ensure against betrayal.
And, the reality is that this does still occur today.
Of course, if you are willing to callously use your children as pawns to seal an alliance, discarding them when it seems opportune to break that alliance is no big thing.
Any serious study of history reveals that this is so.
Mayuka's father demonstrated this attitude in his tossing her away after she proved of no use to him in sealing an alliance; if she was not willing to be his pawn, then she was of no value to him whatsoever.
That. That is what I'm not willing to forgive. For that shows that he did not love his daughter, nor his wife.
And that he didn't really believe in ties of blood; since he discarded Mayoka when she refused to follow his wishes, he would have been equally willing to discard her if the time came when the alliance she was supposed to guarantee became inconvenient to him; it was something to tie others to him, not him to others.