Next volume?! Oh man what is the suggestion? Anyone here got any ideas?
Thanks for the chapter as always!
The most obvious solution would be for him to have friends and/or a new lover as the dog analogy presented. Takae wouldn't have worries if he has someone else to take care of him and make him happy. Even if she would feel sad seeing someone else in her spot, she would feel at ease that he will live well without her. Which if he did marry someone else, it would be a way of severing his lover relationship with Takae without giving her the cold shoulder.
But that wouldn't really seem like something that would be suggested by someone interested in Nijimi, as it could be uncharacteristically opportunistic for her to suggest.
So I don't have any other ideas. Maybe Marika would be willing to share, and allow Takae to return every now and again to spend some time with the family. Perhaps on the anniversary of her death. It would be a left field idea, but I could see a situation where Marikas Mom and Nijimi could come together(though it's a long shot, in particular because of their personalities(if opposites attract, then those who are similar are less likely to have chemistry)).
I just don't see any alternative to Nijimi other than moving on from Takae. This series has been about a broken man coming to terms with his loss and learning to move past it with the help of a unexpected miracle. And with a innocent victim at stake(Marika), anything else is off the table.