-Sure, while that is not what was shown it could be how she sees it.
-False, she has no restriction of movement and was chastised for lying and keeping secrets. While keeping secrets could be seen as something common the overreaction could have something to do with the mother's problems but she was still lying to the mother giving a reason for what happened and from what we know it is not the first time.
-Again you are acting like she is not an adult, you may be right about wanting to be loved (you are not but it doesn't matter) but that does not take from her capacity to rationalize and take her situation as best as she can. Basically you are taking the character capacity to act from it.
-True, but would be a solution and being in the state care would not be worse than it is at the moment.
-Never said she was, I said it is like she is. You, again, forget that the mother is not at home for most of the day and leave her alone in the home for days at some times. Also that point you brought is another reason for being in the care of the state not be worse than it is now and gave strenght to my point of calling the police.
-"Not better at something" is the same as "just like something". If you say something is the same as something else you are saying they are not better than the other....
You are making things that were not shown and taking then as granted. You are treating a character that should have the cognitive acapacity of an adult and expecting it to act like a child. You are arguing that she is in an abusive house yet should stay with the abuser instead of looking the legal means to leave the place.
I really don't know what to say to you as you are not being logic and seen to be emotionally invested on the situation to the point you are not viewing it objectively.