Tsuma, Shougakusei ni Naru. - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2018
You're not being fair with the husband. Takae doesn't mention her current problems to her old family nor shows sadness or worry in front of them. Going by how much in love the old man is with her, he's going to go postal the moment he knows about his wife's problems with the mom.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@Horn No I know that. That is my problem. He doesn't seem to understand that the little girl in front of him isn't his wife but another person with her memories.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Yes, but you know what is the difference between a child and the MC?
The MC is and adult mentally and that makes all the difference.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
@mahtan Are you an adult? I ask sincerely, because having been an adult for almost a decade and a half, there isn't anything about the adult psyche that makes you that much more able to absorb abuse.
The options available to her are the same as any other child's, perhaps made worse by understanding the likely dire consequences. She's still a person trapped, with no legal rights to improve her situation, and without a body that can defend herself. She is as vulnerable as any child.
She might be able to close her heart to her mother, but her mother's closed heart to her is what is causing her to be abused.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Few considerations:
1- She is being emotionally abused but not physically as far as we know.
2- It is not like she is being held in the house as she can leave to go to school and walk around town as long as she tells where she is going to be, as any child would be.
3- She has the mentality of an adult, as such she should not feel the need to be "loved" by the "mother" and be able to think abut her situation to reach the desired ending.
4- If she was really being imprisoned she could call the police or run away as the mother is not at home most of the time.

With that said all she has to do is wait until she is 16, which is 5-6 years from when she is right now. In that time she is as free to do anything as any other child is and that is a lot of freedom to have and allows her to do a lot of things that an adult would but a child would never even thing about. Especially with her situation being the same as living alone with one person that is responsible for her checking from time to time.
Also you are wrong when you say that the psyche of an adult is as fragile as that of a child, there are multiple reasons for it but the most clear one is the experiences the have has. Just like doing something gets easier when you have done it before having memories of something will give more options on how to deal with any new situation.
Now if you want to argue that her biology is a criteria to be taken in consideration I would agree with you but so far there has been no demonstration that her adult mind is being affected by the undeveloped brain that she has at the moment. (Also said problem would be gone in 2-3 years anyway)
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
- the abuse we've seen her subjected to puts her at near-constant risk of physical abuse.
- her freedom of movement is a result of her neglect, and her restrictions a form of abuse. She wasn't chastised for making her mother worry, it was because she had escaped her mother's controlling influence.
- everyone wants to be loved by their parents, no matter how old. That's the case even when said parent is abusive.
- calling the police would, in the best case scenario, result in her being put under state care. Running away would make criminals of whoever took her in.
- she isn't "living alone with one person that is responsible for her checking from time to time", she is walking on eggshells living around a volatile adult who feels entitled to punish her for existing.
- I didn't say the adult psyche is as fragile as a child's, I said it does not make one that much more able to absorb abuse.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
-Sure, while that is not what was shown it could be how she sees it.
-False, she has no restriction of movement and was chastised for lying and keeping secrets. While keeping secrets could be seen as something common the overreaction could have something to do with the mother's problems but she was still lying to the mother giving a reason for what happened and from what we know it is not the first time.
-Again you are acting like she is not an adult, you may be right about wanting to be loved (you are not but it doesn't matter) but that does not take from her capacity to rationalize and take her situation as best as she can. Basically you are taking the character capacity to act from it.
-True, but would be a solution and being in the state care would not be worse than it is at the moment.
-Never said she was, I said it is like she is. You, again, forget that the mother is not at home for most of the day and leave her alone in the home for days at some times. Also that point you brought is another reason for being in the care of the state not be worse than it is now and gave strenght to my point of calling the police.
-"Not better at something" is the same as "just like something". If you say something is the same as something else you are saying they are not better than the other....

You are making things that were not shown and taking then as granted. You are treating a character that should have the cognitive acapacity of an adult and expecting it to act like a child. You are arguing that she is in an abusive house yet should stay with the abuser instead of looking the legal means to leave the place.
I really don't know what to say to you as you are not being logic and seen to be emotionally invested on the situation to the point you are not viewing it objectively.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
- Volatile behaviour like was shown, is a good predictor of violence.
- She is expected to be home when not at school. The fact that she cannot ask or even lie to gain permission and instead risks her safety would suggest her movement is restricted.
- It takes time to internalise lack of reciprocal parental love. It causes great emotional distress. This is even the case for adults.
- Being in care would prevent her from meeting her husband and daughter until entering adulthood.
- See above
- Is English not your primary language? If so, let me explain, otherwise apologies for what might come across as condescension. "Not that much more" refers to a small amount more, but an amount still insufficient.
- The abused tend to be abused because they do or must remain with their abuser. This is why domestic abuse is so endemic across all cultures. A family unit is resilient against breaking apart, even if breaking apart is in all party's best interests.

You are correct that I am not being objective, I am trying to see the situation from her perspective.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
-Again not gonna argue about that because it doesn't matter.
-Wrong, again. Go re-read the chapter, the "mother" clearly says "Didn't you said you would stay at home today?" indicating that the she lied about where she would be. That in itself is not conclusive of anything but indicates that had she said she would be somewhere else that day it would not be a problem, untill the "mother" found out that she lied about it, not only that she was also using the money that were for her to buy food on other things indicating that she was not eating (which could be a problem). There are other things in the chapter too but the main points are that she was lying and not eating as far as the "mother" knew. We are not let on in if she had asked to go to the game she would be allowed to go or not, even if I would say she would not as the "mother" still sees the MC as a 10-11 yo child and it would be too dangerous to let her go that far alone.
-Sure, if you are saying. (again you are forgetting she is not a child but it is a moot point)
-Not really. It is not like she would be more restricted than she is now anyway with the only real restriction being, maybe, a curfew.
-An insignificant amount is the same as nothing and as such makes both still equal. Yet it doesn't matter because what you said was that "there is nothing in the adult psyche that makes it that much better at..." meaning the adult psyche is not better at dealing with it than the psyche of a child.
-Yet what I was pointing to is that YOU are the one arguing that she should stay with the abuser while I'm the one saying she should take action to leave. Don't really know what is your point in this one.

No, you are not seeing it by the perspective of the character because you don't get what the character is and is treating it as you think it should be.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
Insufficient does not mean insignificant.
I think our points of contention have more to do with a language and culture barrier, so I'll agree to disagree here.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
@HOOfan_1 Actually people being this exact type of hypocrite is more common than you think. You'll find out if you ever get married. >___>
Dex-chan lover
Apr 27, 2018
It's not strange that she doesn't go to see her previous parents.
It's a bit strange to think about how this could've been labeled as an Isekai if she were just some lonely woman previously. This manga would just be about her getting as far ahead as possible with her 40+10 years of experience.
Jun 25, 2018
Her husband isnt the brightest, huh? Is it normal for a 10 year old to be able to stay over night somewhere? This guy is treating her like an adult yes but she isnt as free as one is supposed to be
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2020
I still believe damn it
Aggregator gang
Jun 21, 2020
Why is the typewriting so bad?

It's very hard to read when there's to space between lines
Dec 25, 2019
The last chapter literally had the house filled with trash and a whole ass liquor bottle on the kitchen counter, and mfs in the comments saying nothing was leading to parental abuse or alcoholism. You guys are illiterate.

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