Thanks! Lol that toy car was bigger than i thought/wasn't expecting it to sit on it/expected it to be a smaller car he would've just grabbed with his hands like normal toy cars
Is Spica gonna punish a senile old man too?? 🤔 I mean, he's already suffering enough as is
well she did have a 'three strike rule' but maybe we'll find out that she was targeting other ppl before she ran into him since there'd be more 'current threats' if not try to dispose of him discreetly or maybe end up meeting his family and handshaking them or so to make sure the 'urges' don't run in the family (though his was caused by trauma as opposed to being born a sociopath or so)
Imma say Tsumugi lost this one. Man's senile, and barely remembers his evil. He's lived a full life with his children and grandchildren. Even if she DOES punish him, he already accomplished everything he wanted in life. Cajoling him to drive(I assume this will happen, like u\TheMode said) one more time to get him to do evil when he's at the end of his life is a rather hollow punishment.
Imagine if it's something in the flashback we never saw that was another 'spica' reveal like he secretly had some accomplish that helped him get rid of the bodies but idk if they'd do that at this point
Or maybe she'd somehow manipulate him to hurting someone 'bigger' in like a nursing home or so (even tho it'd prolly be harder at this age)
Spica never killed for justice, she kills because she feels like killers were out of place. The issue is whether this old man can even do/think of evil three times so she feels like she can kill him.
i think at this point he's passed the three strike rule (unless it only counts 'after' she meets/connects with someone) but maybe it'll be more about chara development for Spica depending on how this old man's arc ends
It's weird. She can't necessarily kill him as that's not justice, maybe have him confess? I don't know in this case.
i assume the thing he burned earlier in the flashback was that photo album? so even if he confessed idk if there'd be ppl believing him/proof or so if not just seen as the ramblings of a dementia patient
though it would be interesting if some more moral dilemmas popped up, what if she came across someone that happened to kill more than one person in self defense (though it'd be pretty unlucky/kinda a red flag if you came across someone 'innocent' that caused the death of 3+ ppl even if those ppl maybe 'deserved it') or some criminal/someone like a yakuza who kills under someone else's order, idk if they'd deal with someone outwardly dangerous b/c Spica doesn't seem to have 'other' powers to where someone couldn't still hurt her, but while i'm sure some yakuza do also hurt 'innocent ppl' i wonder if she'd consider it a 'misbutton' if a yakuza thug is just being an assassin/kinda part of 'society' even if it's the dark underside as opposed to a solo serial killer. Or, someone with 'split/multiple personalities' who doesn't know what's going on , or maybe someone mentally ill that has like intrusive thoughts and hallucinations/delusions to where it might seem like they're a killer but they haven't hurt anyone unless Spica does more research into a specific target/finds corpses and such to where that'd be unlikely