No chapters lol@Amarrez So what's with the recent dearth in chapters? Have the raws stopped, or is there some other snag?
;_;No chapters lol
There is an omake chapter that's a few pages long but releasing that would just feel like blue balling at this point I feel
I don't have even the remotest clue.;_;
Do we even have any idea when the serialisation will continue?
There better be!! I just read this entire story today and I can't bear not getting the rest of it! The raws definitely exist now, there's three chapters (and the omake) already translated into... russian I think? So we just need the rest to get translated!Any update on this manga?
More details on the cancellationThe manga adaptation of Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte has been abruptly cancelled
sad news
What a shitshow and tragedy. I feel really sorry for the author and artist for how badly this was handled.More details on the cancellation
Basically, the author rescinded their permission to make the manga based off the LN. Some reasons for the change of heart include the editorial team not asking the author for checks and approvals before releasing the manga chapters and leaking information about their mixed media (i.e. the anime and similar projects) before the ban on such information was lifted.
I checked a Reddit discussion about the manga adaptation being canceled apparently due to disagreement between the original writer and manga producers. Someone else said it was bc the manga was straying too far from the LNs? But then another said it was fine bc the manga already adapted around 90% of the story. This story is really short and sweet surprisingly! There’s only 2 light novels for the main story and a 3rd for side storiesHuh I just checked this manga again after a while, what do you mean canceled? What happened exactly?? Dispute??huh??