@Rin2k there's nothing wrong with the easy way as long as the easy way doesn't vanish suddenly.
The only thing that striving to get better by yourself is that it's harder to take from you, unlike external power. There's no great honour in that. And even then, it's not like even self-earned power can be lost.
"Getting better by yourself"? Give me a break. A fit body can be taken from you in a moment of accident or malice. Health can degrade through no fault of your own. Knowledge and skill can be lost over time, or mental or physical head trauma or dementia.
If this was a perfect world, and everyone lived forever and everyone could have access to food, water and shelter as much as they wanted, then sure, striving to better yourself and not seek outside help is fine.
But this isn't a perfect world. And we don't live forever. Here's your lifespan in months. Try ticking it off, and see how much of it on average you have left.
How long are you going to strive to better yourself when you have a limited time on this world? How much of a percentage of your life will you toil, to be "better"? What is the purpose of being "better"?
If you can see you will never reach your goal with your own two hands, is striving to reach it and fail and never achieving your goal something beautiful?
Sometimes what people need is one break, one lucky success, and it doesn't matter where it comes from as long as it drags you out of the mud and mire of basic survival.