TSUYOSHI - Vol. 13 Ch. 144 - Insect and God

Dex-chan lover
May 7, 2019
Some folks might think we're near the end of the fighting arc and we'll get back to normalcy soon
I am sorry to say, the Raws show we're about to enter the most dour arc.
The prison arc.
Buckle up.

Decided to check out the raws again, see if we're still in the tournament arcs

Yep. We're still trying to get Tsuyoshi home, at ch 229. The series is at ch 240, but I can't find those for free online.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
And that's the kind of villain who brings his own ruin.
He's just going out his way to piss off the MC when things would just have been fine if he let go here.
He doesn't have to interact with Tsuyoshi any further than this, but he's going to antagonize the MC because he can't forget being frightened by a young commoner.

On a different platform, I commented how pride is like a drug.
With just the right amount, it's medicine that helps you. It brings self-confidence, it drives you forward despite adversity.
With an excess amount, it acts as a poison that ruins you. It brings arrogance, it makes you repeat mistakes until your downfall.

This old man is soon going to choke on his "godly" pride.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
As a note about fighting shows...

It can be entertaining. You take people who polished their skills, establish rules... or not... and see them clash to prove who's better. It's a sport like any other, though they wager their health on it more than most other sports. (Though there are other sports like american football that are harmful to your health, or practices like doping that can ruin your health even when the sport itself isn't that dangerous.)

The problem is when these privileged people force people who don't want to fight into such a contest. Slaves... desperate people... Tsuyoshi... This makes these self-proclaimed gods pathetic and evil. Unable to find joy outside of the misery they instigate.

That talk the couple and their daughter had reflects that kind of mentality. Nobody forces them to setup these fights, and this isn't a show of dignity. It's the exact opposite. It's demonstrating that they can only feel superior by looking down on those they force into degrading themselves. It proves them weak, pathetic and afraid. The higher they are on the social scale, the stronger these traits, as demonstrated by the geezer a few pages later.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Ah yes....


Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
i bet you my ass that when Tsuyoshi defeat all 4 of the oniwaban, the fossil will offer Tsuyoshi to be his bodyguard.

or something along that line.

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