@Kozutan @BraveDude8
The reason I'm a bit more on edge right now is because this is not the first time a comment of mine has been moderated(this is the second time). The first time was a mistake of mine (with me forgetting to give it a spoiler filter), so fine. This one however shouldn't have been moderated like this. The message in the inbox said this:
One of your comments in this thread has been edited because it has been found to be in violation of Rules 5.2.2 and/or 5.4.4.
This comment will not necessarily lead to further disciplinary action but repeated offenses may do so.
This is an automated message, do not reply. If you have questions about moderation, please contact a moderator on the staff."
Coming back to me feeling on edge right now is that I don't know how what the number limit for the "repeated offenses" is, and I don't want to suffer consequences as a result of a mistake from me(for first offense) and one from others(this supposed "offense"). What if something like this happen again? Will I be banned (from commenting or from more than just that)?
This is why I'm also writing this as reply to the moderator BraveDude8 who moderated my comment (and likely moderated my comment without context due to Kozutan's comment). Is it possible to have this not count as one of the "repeated offenses" since it's not actually a spoiler.
Edit: I don't blame BraveDude8 for the mistake, I assume that one doesn't always have the time to read all the chapters when needing to go through tons of comments on tons of chapters. I would just like this to be rectified if possible.