Ubau Mono Ubawareru Mono - Ch. 8.1

Double-page supporter
Mar 4, 2018
I'm getting to the point where I've seen this happen so many times that if you showed me a random one, I wouldn't be able to tell you which manga it came from. They're all the fucking same. The manga/light novel industry needs to go to its room and think about what it's doing.

Also, let's strip away the dramatic irony for one second, and look at this from the perspective of the well-established veteran adventurers. Now, you see a 12-year-old walk into Google Headquarters and ask for a job. What is your reaction? Probably telling them to go home. All of this is just so stupid.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Also, let's strip away the dramatic irony for one second, and look at this from the perspective of the well-established veteran adventurers. Now, you see a 12-year-old walk into Google Headquarters and ask for a job. What is your reaction? Probably telling them to go home. All of this is just so stupid.
Idk, man, the cliche is that the veteran adventurer usually acts villainous with the best of intentions.
It's just also cliche that the mc can't see through their acting.
Aggregator gang
Feb 9, 2018
@Aretheus @mage_goo
Actually I don't agree with you both because you guys have to remember that this a fantasy world so it shouldn't be that usually for an adventurer to be young and highly skilled
I mean because life in an isekai fantasy world is not as easy as it is in our world
Also the veteran adventurer may just be a dick and not "acting" like d-mann9000 said
Double-page supporter
Mar 4, 2018

But that's not true now is it? Our protagonist and people affiliated with him are the only people that are ever strong at an absurdly young age. Just look at something like the "Average Abilities" light novel. Literally, ONLY the people that become friends with the main character become strong at the age of fucking 12. In "Nidome" as well, ONLY the people affiliated with the main character are strong immediately as an F-rank adventurer. "Okureteru", some dweebo walks in with no weapons or armour says he wants to be an adventurer.

You only think you're so clever because you have dramatic irony on your side. You already know who the main character is, but no one else in the story does. Yet, they're always framed as being ignorant, thick-headed jerks.

If you had been an adventurer for 10 years and seen everybody slowly climbing the ranks as their skills and instincts improved and they matured as people, you wouldn't just suddenly believe that this brat was anything special either. Anybody who thinks they are would be some exception here is lying to themselves.

Goblin Slayer is probably the only unique and interesting take on this cliche, and even then, it's not particularly special. It's just better than most.
Aggregator gang
Feb 9, 2018
I see what you saying but in fantasy worlds everyone, even normal people, know "you cannot judge a book by it's cover"
I mean in fantasy worlds even rabbits are dangerous, so basically if he is a experienced adventurer he should know better than to judge based on age.
Double-page supporter
Mar 4, 2018
I don't think you're understanding what a fantasy world is. A fantasy world is JUST another world.

You know how in Mob Psycho 100, the lesson was that psychic powers are just another trait within people, and really aren't all that special?

Apply that to a world as well. Dangerous rabbits are just a trait of the world. Maybe in their world, jaguars are harmless herbivores. Maybe poison ivy is a dick-growth drug.

You can't look at a fantasy world from the perspective of our world and draw any conclusions from that. The concept of how they live life is the same across world. You are born without knowledge and gradually adapt to your surroundings.

If those surroundings consist of fireball magic and goblins, that isn't any more special than how we have assault rifles and killer wasps.
Jun 9, 2018
I feel like, eventually, Obligatory Arrogant Guy will need his own meta-character (is that even a word?) like Truck-kun. He'd be pretty tragic, too. Gets killed off casually, written lazily by their own authors, castrated, ignored, stepped on, emasculated, cuckolded, serves as a footstool prop up for the MCs - all that wonderful jazz. =_=;;;
Double-page supporter
Jan 31, 2018
@Howitzerg: Except that Obligatory Arrogant Guy isn't necessarily a bad person. I mean, as pointed out earlier, these MCs are the equivalent of a 12-year-old who's an Olympic gold medallist, champion in at least one martial art (and probably more), triple Nobel-prize winner and incidentally also a self-made billionaire. That's literally impossible; it does not happen. It only occurs in these stories because the characters are either explicitly shown doing things which are impossible ("oh, gosh, turns out that with my special power I can build a 12-story building in 30 seconds, and then spend the rest of the allocated construction time spinning straw into gold!") or else the writer is so lazy that they don't bother to research how long stuff actually takes ("I was an out-of-shape desk jockey but I started going to the gym three times a week and became a champion superheavyweight bodybuilder and also the strongest man in the world in three months!"), and hand-waves it away by saying they "have a cheat".

If they didn't have a cheat — and remember, usually either nobody else has ever had a cheat before or else it's been hundreds of years since the last one, so there's no reason whatsoever for anybody to expect that — then the situation they are putting themselves in is horribly, horribly dangerous. They're asking to go face monsters a 12-year-old (or whatever) stands no chance of surviving. And, of course, the guild (or whatever) is not only going to badmouthed for letting them get into that situation but the members are going to have to either rescue them or do cleanup or both, probably for free. He's just trying to save everybody the unpleasantness and wasted time that this situation is almost certainly going to lead to — except that the MCs can literally do the impossible.
Jun 9, 2018
@ZeeVee: Chillaaax, man. I get it. Just saying he could get his own aisle. Most of the time he still gets thrown under the bus regardless of how justified he was, anyway. I could argue points, but we'd get nowhere, lmao. Agree to disagree until we've got something else on stake other than 'muh opinions' (never happens cuz internet).
Sep 28, 2018
Was it serious? And could you tell me where you got the news please.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
Welp looks like the first series that made the champions scans is down to a hiatus due to artist's health issues.... but it will most probably continue if it continues....
And..... when will he learn that he needs to take all of these people's skills....
May 31, 2018
Ah to ad. Hope artisy recovers fully. This is pretty
manga good so far.

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