author should consider focus only on making arts or working for other authors that have better storyline. because the art isn't half bad but the story... well even half of us here could have better storytelling from the amount mangas, books or movies we already watched. First half of the story wasn't bad that girl she brings back was dead after few chapters. Author should work more with the MC friend, the girl that was blown to pieces( actually that was good plot twist when she came back as sort of robot) and of course with yandere. And the ending could be she realizing humanity destructive nature Earth could be taken with invasion that would lead to similar ending but the last line would end with spaceships appearing in the atmosphere with launching attack. Or aliens would use our destructive nature to colonize other planets( something like Warhammer 40k). Either way author half baked story is horrible. Like what's the point of waiting thousand years to colonize our planet when humanity make effectively Earth uninhabitable. Instead plugging from their asses how to kill us all, they could find planet similar to Earth where isn't advanced civilization. and the cherry on top Mc didn't even got chance to smash alien. Like what so hard to use little bit of knowledge with history/ mythology when the alien named him Noah they should obviously repopulate planet naturally not some cloning crap