1: ウロボトム
2: 研究中である自己補完暗示仮想具現装置の性質を転用
3: 本来未実装である固定部位の存在を布自身に錯覚させ機能そのものを獲得するに至った
The explanation this time was not fun to comb through. This is the kind of text Google Translate looks at and goes, "are you sure you didn't mean
Chinese?" I think I got the important stuff, though.
4: つまりこの謎の半端布は
Diagram: 実像 (real portion) / 虚像 (illusion)
5: 気持ちだけで衣服として成立しているのだ
This last line was particularly important on review; I read it as something like "[using] only your feelings, clothing comes into existence!"
However, I think it was instead meant to be read "it creates nothing but the feeling of clothing!" which I've fixed.