As for my opinion on this story…
It’s kinda garbage. You’re thrown head first into the plot, with no real character or world building. The mages feel over the top and one dimensional, and MC is OP for “reasons”. Honestly, if a country went this route in a real world with magic, they would have been crushed a long time ago. The story is missing structure and depth. It almost hastily thrown together (maybe an AI wrote it lol). Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of mangas that make the MC OP for obscure reasons but they typically aren’t—— (stop) As I writing this I figured out one of the reasons why the MC feels so Off. It feels like they dropped a end of story MC into the beginning with no room for development and growth. Another thing that doesn’t help is the fact that the characters & entire world premise is exaggerated. If this was someone’s first time writing a story, id give them a pat on the back and say good job try again, but the fact that an artist was hired and this was published astonishes me. There is a chance that the story improves after a extremely rough start, however it’ll be tough.