Update feed shows only 1 manga

Jul 16, 2018
Something happened to mangadex update feed. It only shows 1 manga for me, despite having a large number of them in my library.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
I'm a dummy, but does the pagination have to work this way? Is there a reason it's counting chapters rather than titles?
It's a continuous feed of uploads, doing it by default any other way would mean potentially missing uploads. Looking into the viability of extra alternatives for cases like this, though.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
To staff members who, because it's human nature, are likely to circle the wagons and join their fellow staff member in mocking the idea that the possibility should even be entertained.
I entertained the possibility when you first posted about it, looking through a chapter of about 10 different titles in their recent upload history. Saw nothing but scanlations, so I don't know why I wouldn't be "circling the wagon".

Also, as an artist/scanlator myself, I have to say that while that translated logo looks pretty cool it's really not a whole lot of work for anyone who's artistically inclined and wants to put in a little extra effort. I've done a little bit of stuff like that myself for logos that only show up once.
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Jan 19, 2018
I'm a dummy, but does the pagination have to work this way? Is there a reason it's counting chapters rather than titles?
There are reasons the latest updates and feed pages work the way they do and most of them are technical reasons.
Basically it boils down to that MD is run on a budget that is absolutely tiny compared to the amount of traffic the site sees. So in order to make things "work" given limited resources creative solutions that are not always the best from a user experience had to be implemented.

I highly suggest giving some of the dev blog posts a read to learn more
Jan 19, 2018
And Lumen shows that WEBTOON (which has an English-language division) has been sending out copyright complaints to Google to get sites with English translations of this title de-indexed.
Would it shock you to hear that a lot of publishers do that? Would it shock you even more that people that don't even have anything to do with the thing they are copyright claiming also do that?

But also the title you are complaining about is from Kakao... so what does WEBTOON have to do with it?
Jan 19, 2018
It's more believable that an English publisher would leave a "giant" block (of four lines) of Korean text in place… than that a group took the time to imitate the weird splotches overlaid on the text, and redesign the last page of the actual raw for giggles (compare to the one from group 2 years ago who actually started with the raw which I linked and you ignored). Especially when you consider that the image I'm referring to, placed English text under the Korean text in the same way that Korean text is placed under English in "Radiant's" version.

And Lumen shows that WEBTOON (which has an English-language division) has been sending out copyright complaints to Google to get sites with English translations of this title de-indexed. Including mangadex.org. I'd agree that's not proof they're planning to release their own work but haven't properly safeguarded it… but if that's not proof, then it's certainly true that "I don't know that they are, so that proves they're not" isn't either.

I actually did allude to that, by referring to the fact that I had no particular desire to try and fight a pointless battle. You know, like filing reports on the thousand-plus chapters (and no idea how many titles) uploaded yesterday by a staff member. To staff members who, because it's human nature, are likely to circle the wagons and join their fellow staff member in mocking the idea that the possibility should even be entertained.

And whaddya know.
Maybe I can give a bit of additional context here, since it seems it hasn't been mentioned at all.

The Radiant group is basically the successor group to luminous scans(a group that has since become inactive it seems) and the large majority of these chapters being mass uploaded have been worked on by luminous for a few years now.

Luminous as a group had decided not to let their chapters be uploaded here on dex(most likely cause they had their own website hosting the scans, and needed the ad revenue to keep it afloat).

So the whole thing is honestly not as difficult to understand as you're putting it, unless you're assuming these guys have been leaking unreleased official translations for years. You can have a lil looksie on the size of their releases page on baka: https://www.mangaupdates.com/group/jufm30w/luminous they've released around 2 thousand chapters since 2021.

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