Are you sure about (弟) being a name and not just a family position? (otouto-kun)
Japanese names don't usually use that dot (interpunct), unlike foreign names.
It really looks like it's separating the Family name (Hakuu) and the position (Younger brother).
@justforthelulz not really sure no >.> especially with no furigana
he used it with kun and i dont really get why it wouldnt have the full name there
not sure if the author is trying to hide his name for a later joke or trying to make it seem like hes a younger brother before revealing hes a she but i feel like no matter which i go with it could end up being wrong and theres no way i can be certain without either furigana or waiting for a later chapter ><
Wish the author search on this site didn’t give every author on the site whose name contains that of another author’s. Wanted to see if this author had done any other stuff but I get sent a list of every guy with “Mito” contained in their name.