Man fuck his job, also fuck his wife too, granted she probably has no idea why he had to leave his son with the neighbor, and has no idea of how shit everything else is, but she still should have an idea, but mostly fuck his job.
Man I love this manga but, the stories that involve “innocent” people do get me feeling pretty bad for them. like the gyaru guy was great cause he (imo) deserved it. dunno hope we get to see actual scummy people in trouble with Ushijima again soon. Those I like the most
H-how expensive is school for those tykes? Is there no public school system equivalent in Japan? She did say "until" college, means college is going to be tacked on after that, or included in the calculation?
I usually withhold judgments, but it has become practically impossible to imagine justification for the boss by this point and he needs to die lol. (and be replaced by someone who isn't Togoshi)
Well, it was coming. Also, personally, if you say you've got a shitty wife, I'd say the problem is in you. That way of traditional thinking is ill-suited for modern NA, but for traditional Asia, it can easily be applied.