Yep. It was too predictable. Simply too bad. Even if what he said was true I would've chosen the right as well myself. If Champ really intended to be honest with BK he would've told him exactly which direction the other team was planning on choosing, instead of either up or down, or he would've told him that his team was going to choose left OR right, and not just outright say that they would choose left, because that's an inconsistency. If the other team had extended the invitation like he said, they would've told them exactly which direction to choose, instead of telling them up or down, since they wanted everyone to choose the same direction. And if Champ was being honest but also prudent by not telling him exactly which of the two possible directions the team would be turning, he would've also done the same for his team, by telling BK that they would turn left OR right. But his desire to keep the possibility of turning to the right completely out of BK's mind was precisely what alerted him to Champ trying to trick him. Even before I saw that Champ was trying to make everyone pass, I would've chosen the right just to make sure Champ's team didn't try to all pass by either sacrificing the other team, or tricking BK into believing they would all turn to the left, but then turning to the right.
It's just too bad, the strategy was not bad for a slave (although his mindset has improved now that he has accepted the truth, so Champ could rise again), but the mind games were just too simplistic.
@BossCrab I highly suspect this to be the case. It would make sense from a lot of perspectives. Even if the referees are part of another organization, they still want to maintain a good relationship with the game managers, and killing a bunch of slaves without mercy or regard for the game rules prohibiting this does not strike me as prudent for them. Then there's also the fact that the player's (Baku and Vincent) objective is to unite all the kingdoms, which requires support from a significant portion of the players, which would make it way more efficient to have these slaves follow BK and/or work for him or the referees. Either way, having them all die would be extreme, even for Kakerou.
This mini arc at the start of this arc has been much more fun than I initially expected. Can't wait to see the resolution to this and how the other players are doing.
Edit: Ah, and... Well, they turned out to be big liars in the end, didn't they.