Yay, the next batch has begun. As always, thank you so much Team Duwang! Very excited to see what happens next.
Douji fun fact: His catchphrase is "OK," in English.
(So that is why he says it twice in that one panel).
Anyway, this was a good chapter. Using the same message for two fights. Faking that injury was a smart move. It reminds me of in Hangman, where Kyara learns that "being strong is not always the best trait." https://mangadex.org/chapter/204593/13 So Kyara is embodying that lesson by faking his injury, that is how I see it at least. I wonder if he still could of won without using tricks. The spread for page 12 is so bad ass! And I like that he got overexcited and had to be calmed down by Baku (and Kaji). And that Baku prevented him from killing Veronica. I think if Kyara killed Veronica, the developers would be more antagonistic toward team Baku, so that is why he made Kyara spare him.