Usogui - Vol. 37 Ch. 402 - The Unifier

Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2018
Lalo plan was some good shit. I dont entirely get the last scene though. He seems to wake up from a dream, but he really did met Kyara's corpse right? Then ran away and Lalo cornered him?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
That was absolutely ingenious by Lalo, holy shit. I didn't know that slaves lost their max hp too, was that stated somewhere and I overlooked it?

It's tough to say what exactly is going on there. It could be another dream scene like in the tower arc. Baku has his eyepatch, and that end scene is what was shown at the start of ch. 396, so it's definitely the one happening.

This is the final chapter of the batch, huh. That's one hell of a point to end off at. As ever, thanks for the translations Team Duwang!
Power Uploader
Feb 1, 2018
It's mentioned in Ch.329, P.13
and Ch.346, P.12
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Revealing that this early? I'm actually really curious how he plans to tell this story now.

Thanks for all the flash-back references. If there's anything surprising, it's that no other people appear to have discovered this obvious cheese strat before, or perhaps they did and something happened to them...or just in the course of a 'real' game like this, human nature prevented it from happening, especially if this game hasn't been going on for that long of a time.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@a2j04vm0 That would explain a lot. Was it also revealed before this chapter that that one flashforward was happening on 12/23? It hasn't been many chapters since that flashforward, but the confusion along with the misinterpretation of what Kadokura meant when he said/thought a conclusion had been reached is understandable.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@a2j04vm0 Makes a lot more sense after this chapter, but even if they referred to it as the date of destiny, it could still mean a number of things, I think. Kadokura's wording and subsequent showing of the scene was definitely the strongest confirmation thus far.

What a crazy batch, thanks for all these chapters.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
I think we're going backwards from this time, showing what happened over the 6 days. I think a big thing of note as far as why it didn't happen before is the fact that none of the kings wanted to unify the kingdoms. Even further than that, damn near no one cared about unification until Baku/Hal/Lalo forced the matter by actually taking down a fortress.
Double-page supporter
Sep 17, 2019
Ok, looking back, I think I kinda understand the timeline.

First, Lalo's "immortal slaves plan" begin on the 23rd and he manage to win against Baku (ch402, pg13). I think Lalo win because Baku try to run away (in ch 399, pg4, Yakou said if the king run away then he will automatically lose) that's why there's sparks around Baku (ch402, pg13), the vest he's wearing is punishing him.

But, this isn't the end for Baku. In ch399 pg4, Baku is looking for a secret hideout, so I think Baku know about Lalo's "immortal slaves plan" and I think Baku came up with the "secret weapon" (mention on ch401, pg 8 & 9) to have Champ & Ryuusei protect him while Baku run to his secret hideout.

So back to 23rd, after Baku meet Lalo on ch402 pg13, I think Baku manage to somehow run away from Lalo. However, since Baku's "secret weapon" was discovered by Lalo (ch401 pg13 & 15, you see the guy with the walkie-talkie who is Lalo's men & you see on pg14 Baku saying the information was leaked). That may be the reason why Baku haven't reach his hideout yet (ch401 pg14, Baku said since 23rd, he just keep running).

After Baku run away from Lalo, Lalo is trying to track Baku down. And I think before 23rd, Lalo somehow got the developers involved in this (on ch400 pg11, a developer discover the manager's money. Maybe it's Lalo's gift? Or maybe Lalo is giving food to the manager in exchange for real money? The manager accept it so that developers don't starve, on ch 399 pg1, the manager seem to be angry about the food. Anyhow, it's possible that the manager is gathering the single task specialist for Lalo to control). Lalo use the developers to help him track Baku.

This all leads to the 29th, where we saw on ch401 pg1, the developer's security guards is trying to find the "targets" in the Tipa kingdom (we know they are in Tipa because the two players on ch401 pg 1, appear in ch 401 pg 11-12, where we saw an immortal slave from Azura, the slave is probably attacking Tipa), maybe they are talking about Baku's allies. And on the 29th, Baku found Kyara while he was running away. (This all happen on the 29th because on ch401 pg 3, Midara mention it's 2 days before the deadline and more importantly, it was raining when Midara said that. That's why I think, all the scenes where it shows rain, all happen on the 29th)

Now, the question is where is Baku going. We know he's going to his hideout but why and how does that help him win. My theory, and I have no evidence for this, is Baku is running to Shoudo. At this point, the Shoudo kingdom is probably all gone due to the drug except for Leader. Remember that I mention that Baku automatically loses if he try to run away, so Baku loss the throne of Tipa. The only way now for Baku to become King again is through Shoudo. This means that he have to battle against Leader who is probably the King by default. Leader situation isn't really that great right now, we know he have Oofuna (ch 399, pg16) but still, it isn't that great. Maybe Leader have a plan? I don't know, but there's just no evidence right now.
Of course, this is all assuming Lalo haven't defeated Shoudo when Baku meet Lalo on ch402 pg13. But I think when Lalo found out about Baku's "secret weapon", Lalo attack Baku first so Champ & Ryuusei can't level up and leave Shoudo alone for now since Shoudo is pretty much dead now.

Another unknown thing is on ch401 pg3, the developers are in trouble from something. Maybe from Leader's forces? Maybe due to disgruntled players? Maybe from Lalo trying to take even more control from developers? Who knows.

So to summarise the timeline:

Before 23rd:
- Manager and Lalo have an exchange and Lalo got the developers in his control

On 23rd:
- Lalo's "immortal slave plan" commence when he found out about Baku's "secret weapon"
- Baku's "secret weapon" failed, Champ & Ryuusei didn't level up due to Lalo's "immortal slave plan"
- Baku was caught by Lalo
- Baku run away from Lalo since he already know about Lalo's "immortal slave plan"
- Due to the failure of the "secret weapon" Baku didn't manage to get to his hideout
- Baku keep running away to hideout and plan to take Shoudo kingdom
- Lalo is trying to find Baku

On 29th (raining day):
- Lalo is using the developers to find Baku and his allies
- Baku is still running away and find Kyara's corpse

At this point, if my theory is correct, I can see why Baku breaks down when he was talking to Kyara. Lalo have the most power right; he taken two kingdoms, he got the developers in his control, and he got his allies. I really don't see how Baku can come back from this.
Aggregator gang
Feb 8, 2019
@rapidlord I think the developers employees boarded themselves up from the manager and maybe the task force. Since the devs seem to enjoy the integrity of protoporos and are even seen cheering for their respective King doms, they were probably mad that the manager wanted to ruin it by giving outside help to lalo for a bribe.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
The sparks may be due to the king hitting 0 hp as well, possibly.

I do agree that Baku may have realized the situation around the armor, if only because Kaji probably would have brought it up to him at some point.

The biggest issue with your Shoudo claim is that Lalo was called the Kaiser in the 12/23 scene. Kaiser is specifically for the one who unified all 3 kingdoms. The implication is that Shoudo has also been downed already, and Lalo met the conditions of the gamble's victory. I do believe Baku has some sort of final avenue of attack left to him, but no idea what it could be.
Double-page supporter
Sep 17, 2019
Yeah, I wasn't too sure about the Shoudo theory as well, especially since it's all guess work. But that's the only option I can think of. Assuming Shoudo is really defeated and Lalo become Kaiser on 23rd, then Baku and Lalo gamble is over and Lalo should be "surpassing the leader" right after becoming Kaiser. There's no reason for Baku to be running away, and for Midara to say that there are two days before the deadline.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
"Now struggle, and perish, Vincent Lalo..."

Could it be that someone is coming to sucker punch Lalo just before he gets to off Baku? maybe Baku is also wearing an Armor of Indomitably so in the moment when Lalo went for the kill, he was the one that got killed instead.

Baku's plan to starve everyone else failed, his plan to have Champ & Ryuusei reach max lvl failed, and he lost horribly against Shoudo in the recent encounters, and all of these were things that he didn't accounted for, to the point that he even fled to the forest and had an existential crisis in front of Kyara's remains... at this point whatever he had on his hideout must come into play now.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
With regards to the Kaiser, you guys are overlooking something.
Assuming the scene of Lalo standing over Baku being declared the Kaiser is real, it does not mean he met the conditions for victory in the gamble actually. It's an easy mistake to make with how hectic things have been since the gamble started, but if you want the answer, re-read the rule Midara lays out in Ch 328. I have no idea where the story can go from here, though, because there are some grave implications of him becoming Kaiser on 12/23 and what it means for the gamble as a whole (if you want to see what I mean, check Champ's speech in 329)
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
The condition is being Kaiser at the end of the Ban (12/31). It isn't 12/31 yet, so it hasn't fully been met.
I actually just realized that myself and sent this before I saw your message, lol.
On that note, I just realized: isn't the Island itself supposed to be reset a week after the Kaiser is crowned? If Lalo became Kaiser on 12/23, then the island is reset on 12/30, and neither of them are actually going to meet the real conditions.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Yes, exactly. That might be an additional reason why Hal was encouraging Nobuko to use her advantages and be aggressive, since that'd be beneficial for him.
Double-page supporter
Sep 17, 2019
@Veshv @BossCrab
Ahh!! You guys are right.
Also in ch394 pg 10, Nobuko mentions that the Kaiser cannot become King again. Doesn't that mean there's no hope for Lalo while it's still possible for Baku to become Kaiser somehow after 30th? It seems like Lalo is still active on 29th, didn't that mean he has some sort of plan to become Kaiser again? Like threatening the developers, since his allies are on the island maybe he will try to brute force his way to becoming Kaiser. Maybe Lalo is trying to possibly make it so that everyone become slaves so that he is the only player and hence, the only one that can become Kaiser. I can see Lalo just destroying the game completely so that he is the only one standing in the end, and becoming Kaiser by default. Lalo still has the drugs and with his allies, turning everyone into slaves is very easy. That may be what Champ is foreshadowing when he said that Lalo trample everything down on ch402, pg4

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