Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 424 - Until That Day Comes

Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Hold on, that's a bit unfair. That Bai Long's dialogue bubble "Although you aren't my favorite" wasn't really pointed, I literally thought Yakou said that. I did think it was a little strange in context, but author tends to write strangely sometimes...

All you really needed was the Eagle/Hawk comparison. In my case I didn't even care that Ying translated into Eagle lol. Also didn't want the other great assassin to be just another part of Kakerou, but that's just personal taste speaking.

Bai Long referring to himself is a nice detail. He seems to have incurred more damage since the safehouse battle, but maybe he's just tired?
Jan 18, 2018
I can't tell whether Mitaka knew that she fought Bai Long or not, but either case is a sad state for Bai Long. It'll be surprising if he manages to recover, but this seems to be it for him. With that said, who else could act as the Dragon for the heroes to face before encountering the Big Bad? We got big shoes to fill here.


Jul 6, 2019
Mitaka didn't even recognize him, since she was narratively just thinking about him.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Someone correct me on this if i am wrong.

Recounting, Ying and Bai Long were a couple/married.

Eventually Ying ended pregnant with Long's child.

Around that time in a date with Long, she asks him if he would go after her if her picture was the one in the envelope instead of Kyara's, and Long had the hubris of saying that it would have been interesting.

So Ying rightfully lefts him, knowing that if it came down to it she would lost and die, thus explaining why Long's nightmare had Ying saying that he was stronger, because that's one of the reasons she lefts him.

At that point Long didn't knew that Ying was pregnant (he probably wouldn't have said such a dumb thing otherwise).

While Ying was overseas she gave birth to their child, but the kid doesn't survive, something that stills haunts her to this day. It also seems like she was forcing herself to live until she could meet Long again and tell him the whole story.

After her miscarriage Ying decides to remain overseas, eventually changing her name to Mitaka Hana, or Taka for short, while Long went with his assassin business as usual, maybe?

Since Kyara never faced Long, maybe he retired the moment Taka left him? and he has been wanting to meet her ever since that day, regretting what he said? but that's way too romantic. But i do wonder why he didn't took the job to kill Kyara.

Anyway, at one point Long learns that Ying was pregnant with his child, but he never manages to find her or track her down.

The years went by, Long retires due to old age and boredom, becoming a legend, and a bunch of impersonators appear trying to fill the empty throne, while Taka joins the Private Funeral Division.

It also seems that Long believes the child survived? but that could be part of the nightmare, or could it be that he wants to kill Taka and then himself to have a reunion in the afterlife with their kid? or maybe he genuinely thinks that the 3 of them can start a nice life together?

Now in the present Taka has joined Kakerou as a referee, and in order to meet his ex-wife again Long takes Ideal's offer and joins them, but...

His reunion is less than Ideal (hehe get it), and the "reunion" if it can even be called that, ends being a one sided one.

Long gets killed by Taka without knowing that he had meet her, still submerged in his own nightmare or he did realize that he meet Ying again, but he was too weakened to even speak out his intentions.

@Ominous @MYW while Taka figures out that the ban intruder she was hunting was Long because of his characteristic fighting style that gives the impression of a mass of blades.

However now that Long's blade is all battered and no longer a threat to her, it is already too late, she is a different person, with a different life, and their child has been gone for years.

Now that she is actually stronger than Long there's no reason for her to be with him, or for her to tell him why she really left.

After a silent look Taka puts her hat back on, and leaves, and their story together ends.

Wonder what happened to Gakuto? he was the one protecting Nico-chan but then Yakou ended being the one protecting her from a mob.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@Doomroar I thought it was really strange that she wouldn't immediately recognize the ball of lethal weaponry that you envision when you are about to fight him, but the scale of time that passed since those memories and their relationship in general may account for that.

Otherwise, I kinda doubt she recognized him. I just don't think she is the type to think he is too weak and not worthy, as sentimental value seems to mean something to her. Even if he was too weak, she'd at least talk to him, I like to think.

Meanwhile, due to the bubbling, I think he realized at the very last moment that it was Ying, and not just a continuation of the dream he was having before he slaughtered those mooks. But I suppose it could be the other way annoying as the idea is lol.

Can't comment on the rest of the timeline as I admit I didn't pay much attention to that either, heh.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Lithe I think Taka did realize that she was fighting Long because she comments on the attack calling it "this blade", then even admits that she would have died if it wasn't because the blade is now a battered one.

On the other hand on his dying moments Long was still thinking of meeting Ying and their kid, even saying that he wants them to go and live a nice life... after he finishes his job.

And that makes no sense, his job implies killing Ying too because she is a referee or at least the people she has allied herself with, and if their child was alive it would be too old to go and live with them, specially with an stranded father, and he was clearly in no condition to continue the operation, but never realized it, for me he is still in a nightmare, and missed meeting with Taka. His final moments are of him once again failing to notice his situation, his final moments are him living in a world in which it is still not too late for him to start over again.

Which is probably why she didn't bothered talking to him, she knew that he was not quite there in mind.

I don't think their relationship was all that close, after all she left him because this dumbass went and said that the idea of killing her amused him, and even rejected her proposition of living a different life style, even embracing the most nasty aspects of humans, saying that humans are humans regardless of what they do, and then after leaving him she had to live in fear of Long finding her and killing her before the child could be born, and then she lived in fear of having to explain to him that their child died.

Taka doesn't seem like talkative or expressive character, the most emotionally moved we have seen her was on the flashback with her child, apart from that she seems to just grit her teeth and endure, she did it when Kyara died, when she left Long, and now again after killing Long. If their encounter had played like Long wanted, and he had the chance to beg her to go back, chances are she would have grabbed her hat, gritted her teeth, and punched the shit out of him for realizing too late that he fucked up. I don't think things would have played all that different, the indignity of this man appearing after all those years trying to make things right would have been too much.
Power Uploader
Feb 1, 2018
Lóng didn't know that Yīng is a referee. He was only told that she's on the island.

"Until I can tell him that I left his child to die, I'd have to live on and never die."
Pretty sure confessing to Lóng is the only goal of her life right now.
If she did recognize him, it's quite weird that she just let him die there.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2018
Thinking back to it, the whole ripples/"stop fighting or some day someone will fuck you up" speech Mitaka gave to Kyara back then was probably because she knew he would be on Bai Long's hit list. I think she saved him by leaving Bai Long then.

Another detail, the last panel with young Taka with a "..." its the same as the little girl with "..." when the woman says she is not her daughter. I think its mean to represent how Ying wanted Bai Long to start a family with her but eventually left because he was too late to realize he had to live as a "human". In the same way the little girl wanted to be accepted as a daughter by the woman, and since it didn't come, she was about to leave on her own when Taka found her.
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
Sad end for Long. A character on the level of Tatsuki and Kyara, after a pretty awesome fight with Yakou, getting beaten down by nameless mooks and left to die, and oneshotted by his former lover. I feel a little unsatisfied with his ending considering he was able to beat Amen and Ikon and survive Yakou, though Taka putting him down is definitely the best way to go.

I do wonder if Taka truly recognized him. It seems to be left ambiguous. I find it hard to believe she wouldn't instinctively remember his "ball of weapons" feeling but maybe he was so dull at that point from all the damage he had taken that it didn't matter. Bai Long definitely recognized her at the end, even if he didn't know she was a referee, he knew what she currently looked like.


Jul 6, 2019
@bosscrab that's the beauty of his arc. He's too late. He's too late to find a dignified end against an equal like Yakou, He's too late to meet Ying properly... He dragged it out too long and meets a pathetic end because it was always too late.
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
@MYW You're absolutely right, that's a great point. He was a tragic character, in the truest sense.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
In those last panels, Ying looks young again. Is it just me? This was an incredible arc for a character we never knew for too long. It's great.

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