Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 466 - A Man Of Diamonds

Feb 26, 2020
Lalo constant resolving to brute force when cornered is the reason he can never win against the like of Baku or Hal.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 21, 2019
For a second there I honestly thought Lalo was going to go out gracefully, but I suppose the match isn't technically over until one of them dies. Lalo's grasping any last opportunity he can get.

With that being said though, I can't help but feel Baku goaded Lalo to do this. Swimming near him deliberately and also seemingly pushing over his own air bios, I assume, closer to Lalo himself.
Apr 24, 2020
Oh shit, this chapter also explains why Lalo was in Japan coincidentally in the first place when Souichi called him -- he was there to pick up Billy's body and turn it into diamonds.

This is so hype. I wonder if there's another round of crazy mindgames and fighting left between the two of them, except this time they'll be duking it out physically instead of just mentally.

Finally, I wonder if one of the craziest mindgames that has been played on all of us readers this whole time is that Usogui is physically weak. He's acted so this whole time, and let himself be beat up. What if he's been hiding and conserving his strength this whole time and is actually a referee-level beast?

EDIT: Wait, even though referees are not allowed to interfere since they're supposed to be fair arbiters of the match, couldn't Hal/Souichi jump in there and save Baku? Hal is almost certainly stronger than Lalo and there shouldn't be anything in the rules against him helping Baku out, right?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
So the diamonds were made out of people, i would never have seen that one coming.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 12, 2020
Goddammit Lalo.

I really love how Usogui's second to last hurdle is a man like Lalo. His strategies and approach to things is somewhat polar opposite of Usogui. Even jumping right into Souichi's invitation is something true to his character-- reckless and straightforward. His last struggle by grabbing Usogui's hand isn't only a simple desperate attempt but also a nod to his character. I just can't despise his way of doing things. Damn beautiful.
Dec 2, 2019

I am also surprised by the lack of action from anyone on Baku's side. The rules stated that if you leave the chair for 10 seconds you lose. Baku is clearly the winner so why could't anyone on the outside interfere and break the glass now? I do feel like Baku deliberately swam within reach of Lalo, so I'm sure he has something planned, but i don't understand why no one else couldn't help right now. Lalo will die regardless so its not like he is avoiding death if someone else interfered.
Apr 3, 2018
Does grabbing his leg not constitute as an act of violence? It was decided that it would be an instant defeat earlier.
Mar 26, 2018
I'm going to hate this development if Lalo actually has some extra bios stored too. Shoulda just folded immediately then
Dex-chan lover
Feb 27, 2019
@Villager_X yes, it would be an instant defeat if they were still playing. Kakerou's rules are always very specific and clear, and in this case, and many others, there were no rules guaranteeing the winner's safety after the game was concluded. So, in other words, Baku is shit out of luck if he drowns because of Lalo.

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