Usogui - Vol. 46 Ch. 503 - 2 Strange Feelings

Jul 30, 2020
Just realized Japan is in GMT+9, now even more convinced Fukurou's clock will adjust to the solar time on 9am January 1st, adding 4+ mins instantaneously to (hopefully) Leader's time.
Double-page supporter
Sep 6, 2018

Batch ends at 507! Haven't read your full post in detail yet, but looking forward to it!


Oh wow, the GMT+9 fact makes it very convincing. Especially with the 9 o'clock being shown in Souichi's dream. It brings to mind some questions though, like:

1) Will it really add 4 minutes? Because logistically it feels weird for someone to instantly get 4 minutes of time, will that mean that Yakou will just pause the game and let the drug drip for 4 extra minutes after? I'm leaning towards more that it'll mean the "1 minute round" will end instantly, so "D" will instant drop, knowing this will happen, and "C" will get the near-death penalty instantly if they don't instant check in response.

2) How exactly did Baku plan for this timing? Looking back in the ban negotiation chapters, Baku was indeed the one who got to decide that the protoporos match would end on the 31st. And he also confirmed that StL would happen "right after". There are actually a few "hint-y" panels of him staring at Souichi while mentioning these things. So he was able to make sure that the match would happen on the 1st of the new year. But how did he know it would overlap with 9am, instead of the match happening right after at 12am? Was it simply him assuming they would rest after the match? Also, 30 minutes of time was "wasted" because of the referee battle, and Souichi was actually the one that caused that to happen. Did Baku really predict/gamble on that? Or perhaps he was just lucky, and he would've found some way to stall until 9am if that didn't happen.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
@catx3 @tripledraw
I don't believe it will accumulate more than a minute even if the clock ends up readjusted. Yakou specified that a turn will be a minute at most, and that D must drop the handkerchief within that minute, and C must check. At most it would accumulate 2 minutes, the full turn duration plus the penalty for failure to check. Even though the clock overrides everyone else's sense of time for a 1min turn, it can't extend it 2+ minutes arbitrarily forcing more squandered time, since that specifically goes against Yakou's rule.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 12, 2020
In case i'm right, i'm putting a spoiler.

I think this game revolves around the speaking clock.

An error of 1 second could spell the death of a player easily.

The tube can only hold 300 seconds of liquid. Not 301, exactly 300.

Lets say a player wants to fill the tube with 15, 25, and 20 totaling 60 seconds. If the third round he failed and filled the tube for 21 seconds, that means he need another round to round it up or take the penalty to reset. The base penalty is 1 minute, so a player safest play is to total their tube in multiple of a minute. I imagine it's like a blackjack, where you can only push near 21 for so much. Even one point value too many spells your death.

My speculation is, Souichi tried to fill his tube for 6 seconds, to round up his 25 into a thirty. I imagine it's easier to round up that thirty into a sixty because the clock reminds you verbally every 10 second. I imagine the 10 seconds dong is adjusted properly.

However, A clock that reminds you every 10 second may have an error between the 0 to 10. The space between the line in a ruler's mark. Even between the ticks, there's a space you cant pinpoint. What if the seconds are counted not by the ticks, but by the space between the ticks? That would be a mechanical problem that sounds plausible to me. Besides that, The fact that we have two clock, speaking and watch, is already an imperfection waiting to be exploited.

However, If there's anything more perfect than that clock, it's Souichi's biological clock. He's the only one that could spot imperfection between the two clocks.

I already said that souichi tried to round up his 24 to a thirty. Before that, he tried to match Baku's tube to his 24 but made an error of a second. This time around, he made another error of not turning at 6 second to round up his 24 to a thirty. Hence, the mistake implied this chapter. Is not the penalty, but his failure of rounding up his 24 hypothetically cleanly. Souichi is too perfect, His biological clock has been trying to adjust these few rounds.
Jul 30, 2020
@299792458 @catx3

Another possibility is violation of rule #2 - "not dropping or checking within 1 minute" (ch. 493), which would be considered a loss.

If Fukurou's clock jumps from, say, 8:56:30 to 9:00:00 during Leader's turn, could it be considered a loss if he hasn't dropped the handkerchief yet?

Whatever it is, Baku seems intent on making sure it will be his or Leader's turn during a specific minute.

I don't think Baku knew what the game was gonna be, but rather he was prepared to adjust his strategy around the difference between sidereal versus solar time which he knew would adjust at 9am if a digital clock is involved.
Aug 4, 2019
@tripledraw @catx3
It feels that there's a lot of things pointing towards the sidereal vs solar time adjustment at 9:00 am, but I don't think either of them have noticed it yet.
I think this is the "something they should've noticed" in Ch 501 Pg 17. So, Baku will probably notice this along the way and make it so that Souichi will be C at 9:00.
Also, Leader seemed to have been going for the perfect win without any deaths, by accumulating very little drug every turn so that even if Baku resets his cylinder twice he will still reach 5 min first.
That is why Leader turned immediately because he thought Baku thought leader will take safe strategy.
Jul 30, 2020
@troita I can never be sure with this manga, I've gotten EVERYTHING wrong except what the card numbers in air poker meant lol.

With that said, I highly doubt Baku took all those steps to make sure they use a digital clock in such a way (e.g. making sure Souichi doesn't have a watch on him, planting Kaji so ref Yakou decided against using the wall clock, checking how high the sun was, making sure no other sound was allowed through the intercom) if he didn't already have something planned with it.

As for the Leader, I think he noticed Baku's body-container strategy and followed through by also resetting his accumulation.

My suspicion on the things each didn't notice:
1. Leader didn't notice Baku's plan with the digital clock
2. Baku didn't notice Leader's echolocation skill (all those mouth clickings)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
When Midara points out that what Kaji is saying is weird...I think that might be the only problem I have with this one. They're acknowledging how crazy of a tactic it is, and it appears they have full faith in Baku, as do I. But in that regard, Baku's win does feel a little cheap. Of all the people that should not be able to use this tactic, his (presumably) weak constitution should block it, but you know it's likely going to be used and it will somehow be a surefire tactic to boot.

Could anyone pinpoint what the drug is by its stated effects? Maybe foreknowledge of what it is and how it specifically works would convince me that it isn't cheap, but I don't know...
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
It's potassium chloride. The stuff really does stop your heart if it's injected into you at a sufficient amount. I believe it's used in some cardiac surgeries that require your heart to not be beating, and it's also used in lethal injections.

I agree that of all people to manage to pull off multiple "miracle revivals" from injections, Baku is at the bottom of that list, so he really shouldn't be able to do what he's planning (and probably will end up doing).
Jul 30, 2020
@Veshv during my obsessive research I found that plum contains a decent amount of potassium, so I've theorized that Baku's kariume eating habit had been his "neck training" all along. I posted this several days ago along with the whole "kindness" and "wedge" he'd been seeding to Souichi, which would justify his need to befriend him at the bookstore.

On a larger scale, I think the Kirumas hadn't always been the family of leaders - probably Kakerou altered the history after Tatsuki won (he also once noted that Baku was "still trying"). There's been some dream sequence where I suspect Baku's father was featured, most recently when he almost died during air poker.

Despite the bromance we've been shown, I think Baku is out for a pretty cruel long-planned revenge against Souichi, and I have a niggling suspicion that Eba had been Baku's ally all along.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
It's hard to outright deny those claims, since they're not completely out of the realm of possible, however even if Kakerou rewrote history after Tatsuki won, there would be referees within Kakerou aware of Baku, unless he changed his identity to have nothing to do with his former Leader parent. That kind of reveal would leave an extremely sour taste this late into the manga, IMO. I think if something like Kiruma being the ones who "invaded" Kakerou in the past were to be the case, then it would have happened before Tatsuki's time. As for the "still trying" comment, it's because Tatsuki was around during the first StL match that Baku played, although his exact status at the time is unknown. It could have a double meaning, if Baku's family line were known for challenging StL or something like that, but again, some referees would know and point it out (Old man Nowa would 100% have pointed it out by now if it were the case).

If Baku had some form of "neck training" for dealing with a heightened amount of Potassium injected into his body, it'd be because his body has too little Potassium, and I'm not sure if he's actively exhibited conditions of Hypokalemia, but his weak constitution could in fact be a hint towards it. The kariume could be another hint that Baku needs the Potassium, but I can't really say one way or another.
Jul 30, 2020
@Veshv absolutely, I've also mentioned that my theories have been wrong 95% of the time, it's just fun to try and predict what's what.

The author really likes to mess with time in his narratives, memento-style, so I wouldn't be surprised if Nowa had already noticed / mentioned something unknown to us the readers. I also suspect that the Nowas may have been the one consistent element in Kakerou, and who's to say that they don't actually benefit from the Kirumas being the leaders, thus keeping things hush hush would be in their interest.

But then again, Souichi has been with Kakerou since a child so any hypothetical overthrowing would have happened when Baku was also a child, i.e. not necessarily known by the refs (assuming they are the same set as from previous generation), and easily handled by changing his last name.

The one thing I'm still trying to grasp is Kaji's role in all this, as Baku seemed to have purposefully targeted him (ate his kariume in the middle of Ch. 1). There was a dream / flashback sequence in Protoporos (I think during Baku's nightmare when encountering Bai Long?) - something about "my child" from an unknown voice - which I thought at first was related to Marco, but I think (hope, lol) Kaji may have deeper history than we know of.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
Can you explain the dream/flashback more? I don't recall Baku having one like that, the only two coming to mind are Kaji's during the contradiction game and Bai Long's nightmare.

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