Usogui - Vol. 48 Ch. 520 - The Approaching Crisis

Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
... is the author really going to pull the leader forgetting everything at the last moment?
That would... suck. In the middle of the final gamble, really? I sincerely hope not. Would make any possible vitory of Usogui feel really really cheap. As if he won not because of his efforts, but just because Leader is basically schizophrenic
Apr 3, 2018
Pretty sure the memory loss is a red herring. Leader has shown to have full control over him remembering/forgetting things so I'm pretty sure he's not going to get anymore involuntary memory wipes now.

I noticed that this smile is actually the exact same smile as the one usogui had in chp 496 page 15
And both times its right after Leader says "The Passing of time feels different depending on the situation".

So my theory of how this game is gonna end is that Leader's plan is to do the safe check 5 times, and with Baku seemingly being completely read, he's also going to do the safe check in fear of death, which he'd only be able to do at most twice, ending up in leaders victory. However Baku's actual plan is to mess with leaders perception of time somehow, and cause him to miss checking entirely. Another fail would cause Leaders internal amount to reach 4 minutes 58 seconds, which while isn't over the fatal limit, means that theres a very low chance that leader will be revived
Nov 12, 2018
Seeing the complaints about Leader suddenly forgetting everything seems justified ... If it is by accident.

I've just had a thought though. Its crazy but within the realm of the possible. What if Baku found a way to trigger those memory loses. He knew about leader having memory lapse and what he would do when it happened way before he challenged him the first time.

The human mind is something that can be influenced through suggestion and association. What if ... the flash back we saw between Baku and Leader didn't happen just once, but multiple time. What if each time leader forgot who he was Baku made him smell something or eat something. Through association leader's brain linked that smell to his memory lose.

In Chapter 499 after Leader drop the handkerchief then go to pick it up again, it is drawn in an ominous way, like its emitting something ... like a smell.
Right after that ... Baku eats his favourite dried fruit.

What if ... his habit of eating kariume was always done for that purpose. An habit he picked up long ago for the purpose of making Leader forgot at the most crucial part of the gamble.

Also for those that think that Baku wouldn't be satisfied with winning that way in chapter 314 Baku stated the following:
Luck is really important isn't it.
I'm so lucky that such a nice person was down here.
But a match is a match.
I'll win without hesitation.

Luck is a part of gambling, but it would really feel cheap if that's the way it conclude by accident. So I doubt the author is going for that.
Feb 25, 2020
what a gamble, Baku is probably considering the event that Leader loses his memory, but is that his only option?
Aggregator gang
Jan 23, 2018
I think the idea that Usogui figured out how to potentially trigger Leader's memory lapses is ok. If Usogui has been building it up until now, it's still a gamble so I don't mind it as a conclusion. There is also the fact that in the past when Leader forgot his memories he was very good at pretending he hadn't. Losing his memories doesn't automatically mean he'll lose the game. But I do think there has been a lot of hinting about time. Waiting and missing time that is "lost". For example, when Leader was dead and everyone was focusing on the CPR, what was Usogui doing?
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 16, 2018
Thanks for the chapters, as always!
One similarity between Baku and Hal's dreams is some sort of reference to the Greenland Shark (it's on the screen on pg 7).
Also in both of Hal's nightmares there is an emphasis on that bloodstain on Baku's suit (from 321).

Confused on how Hal's memory problems work once again, haha. Like is it triggered by stress like previously implied or just happens periodically? (Or guess it could be both).
Baku betting on Hal losing his memory might be related to why he wanted the game to begin as soon as possible/the specific date. But I also feel like Baku wouldn't be satisfied winning against a weakened shell of a man, such as a freshly memory wiped Souichi. And also it would feel cheap/weaken Hal's character development imo. Maybe it's some sort of red herring (I just saw a previous comment had a similar idea)? idk. I am very interested in what dream Eko says in pg 10, about "picking it up."
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 12, 2020
what if this amnesia is deliberate, and is used to reset Leader's body. Like it's hard enough that Baku need to catch up, now Leader actually reset every damage he took just like the witchpain.

I'm sure the 'complete' Leader trusted the 'amnesiac' leader enough to do this, just like how Light in Death Note deliberately erased his memory.
Active member
Feb 8, 2019
I got a theory. 2 chapters ago. Chaoter is called: "The drawer that disappeared". In it we can clearly see that when leader goes to sit down, he turns his chair to face the wall opposite to the drawer cabinnet. Meaning that Usogui couldve used it as he pleased. Now with leaders acute hearing, maybe that would be hard but, what if usogui opened the drawer, and turned on the clock that was previously put away. The clock could for example, be sped up, and be enought to trick leaders perception of time.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
Leader either knew he'd lose his memory, or he lost it before the death. I'm positive this is the case due to the "Referee Yakou..." line out of him in the previous chapter. When dark Leader showed up in Chapter 454, he said Souichi went through 138 memory losses, including the little ones. He's had a couple more since then, between forgetting the agonies and his sight. By now, even if the monthly ones are truly uncontrollable by him, he's still definitely aware of the trigger for it, given that the monthly loss happened at least 40-50 times (It's at least the year 2006, rather 2007 now, as we know from the Labyrinth arc).

If he knew it was coming, he could prime Yakou for it. Yakou was an attendant of Leader long ago, so he is fully aware of the process of bringing Leader up to date discretely. The real question, I think, is whether or not this memory loss was intentional by Leader, or something that he's now forced to work around. Provided Yakou does bring him up to speed (or Baku does it cause he doesn't want to beat an amnesiac Leader, who knows), this isn't necessarily a disadvantage for Leader. Lalo lost the Ban and Air Poker because of the wedge Baku drove into him that "Usogui will do anything to win", and Leader has similar concerns about Baku given his suspicions based on the dreams, and his time as Hal. If he forgets about Baku, he's in a case where he has a marked advantage of 5 safe checks to the opponents 3 checks. In this perspective, Leader could have opted to lose his memories intentionally alongside the near-death to completely kill his opponent.

I'm probably missing something important with these speculations, but I'm confident that Yakou (or Baku) is going to start talking about the match in detail to remind Leader.

Edit: I misread the years on the charts, the latest year shown was 2006 and not 2008, credit to @RapidLord for making me go back and double-check.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 17, 2019
Where in the Labyrinth arc did it mention the dates? I always thought it's currently 2006 cause that's when the manga is serialised.
Mar 3, 2020
So this might be explaining why in chapter 327, Baku chosed "24 day frow now on" to be the end of the lenght of the BAN !?
i mean from the day Hachina made a reservation for that book ( we see that Baku got the information when he was in the hotel ) to the day he went to get that book in the old library, isnt 1 week happened ? we can assume that Baku and leader met in the moorning and the afternoon they all met with Lalo for the rules of the BAN... all that happened the same day. therefor there was only 24 days more or less left for another memory reset considering december is 31 days... therefor it's hardly luck fromBaku what's happening here.

That would be some godly level forseen since he would be able to grasp that 1 month info just thing with low information about Hal, even referees dont know about... now, im sure Baku never cared about Kakerou, whether or not he win, he wont be join Kakerou.. which also make me think that the whole "defeating Kakerou" for the sake of it also doesnt add up.
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
I actually honestly think Baku knows about Hal's memory loss, or at least he's made inferences on it. Everything with him being in the bookstore and finding The Prince Bee both times we've seen was way too coincidental. And if he knows it happens, he might have been able to detect a pattern in it.

Remember, Baku's revival nightmare involved him going to Eba's building as well.

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