Many thanks to team Duwang for translating all this, and for all those lovable collection of clues at the ending of chapters
I am not satisfied with this unexplained ending though. Why is Hiruma Souchi no longer catatonic? What happened? Was he pretending to be so braindead earlier?
What happened to Usogui? Is he still alive, why? If Hiruma took back Kakerou, why did he let Usogui just leave with his life? Are usogui and Hiruma souchi somehow working together now?
I understand that the author WANTS it to be unexplained. But it doesn't really meet my expectations. You can have an open ending even if explain just a little bit more, and especially at the ending not explaining these kind of important things is... not good imo.
All in all, Usogui was good, and in some arcs great. But I don't like this ending very much, and not because of what happens, but because it "just" happens without explanation