Usotsuki Satsuki wa Shi ga Mieru - Vol. 8 Ch. 70 - Release

Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
I don't think it's bad writing. She was clearly trying to be a better person. But Prez didn't care and still tried to kill her anyways. So in her mind, her efforts to be a better person were wasted. Being nearly murdered isn't exactly a situation most people would agree to just calm down and talk.
that's make sense if the last pannel of her dialouge didnt said something like that. it almost sayingt that she's waiting for this to happend from the beginning
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2020
Seo is in a "Kill or be killed." situation. Satsuki has managed saved Seo twice, but she can't win all the time. And not only will Satsuki not kill the prez (which is the only real solution), but she also would try to stop anyone else who tried. (Which is why Seo has to outwit both the prez and Satsuki.)

Is the author so stuck to "Killing is bad!" that he can't have Seo just state the obvious, "I killed him before he killed me."?

And if that isn't bad enough, the author redeems the Prez by having him save the girl? BS. The guy is just a murderer at this point.

The sick thing here is that author is condemning Seo for saving her own life. And meanwhile letting Satsuki off the hook for the consequences of her inaction. And redeeming the prez. This is garbage.
My thoughts exactly - I sure hope there's some more development than " Seo evil hurr durr"
Active member
Sep 15, 2020
The writing in this just keeps getting worse lol.

How did this author manage to make the death that everybody wanted to see (Prez's) this boring?

And don't get me started on, once again, having another character just "be evil for the heck of it". It's so dumb.

I was like "ok, she killed him cause he tried to kill her, makes sense!" and then the author goes "no, it can't make sense! She's just cartoonishly evil!".
Because he didn't want to kill the prez, he liked the character (just think of how much attention he got). I bet that due to the character's extremely low popularity among readers, his manager advised him to end this arc.
Double-page supporter
Mar 17, 2019
Moreover, his last words are kinda corny, but cast the first stone he who never simped for a cutie in his teens.
I've been thinking about this, also because a lot of people seem to dislike how Ryouko portrayed Kai in his last words. And once again I'll have to ask many of you to think with your brain, not with your heart; because his last words are quite accurate.

See Chapter 38, page 15; Chapter 51, page 19; and how things developed from Chapter 52 to 54. Indeed, he's a self-righteous lunatic, who wants to make this world a better place by killing every single bad person barring the way. But the real question which should be asked is, why? Why make this world a better place? For whom? So that no one out there ever becomes a victim again? Then what's the deal with killing schoolgirls (and let's not forget, all the delinquents that used to populate the school until they magically disappeared) instead of real bandits, robbers, drugdealers, rapists, serial killers? Because they're the most immediate threat to the one for whom he's devoting his ideals for: Sayoko.

He's most interested in making this world a better place so the one cutie he's been simping for years (successfully so, they even, gasp, held hands) doesn't suffer in anyone's hands, and he can't guarantee that by killing every wrongdoer out there because there are simply too many. A lesbian and potential sexual assaulter (Michiru), an uncaring bully (Miho), a chaotic self-destructing girl (Seo) are much closer to reach and much likelier to affect Sayoko.

I'm going to smack the next guy who calls this manga bad writing in both temples.
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Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
Because he didn't want to kill the prez, he liked the character (just think of how much attention he got). I bet that due to the character's extremely low popularity among readers, his manager advised him to end this arc.
Kai is simply following the character arc of his long-lost twin brother from Ryoko's last manga. This chapter was an inevitability from the day he was introduced with the same design, role, and attitude. One of the reasons I translated Shi ni Aruki was so people could know what to expect. A lot of you seemed convinced nobody could die. Ryoko likes to likes to recycle ideas, and Ryoko likes to kill.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
Finally catching up.

....Welp. In one hand Prez really due some good ol' shanking. He crossed the line for me by killing that girl by lightning, and his self-righteousness really grating.
In other hand I don't like how this will affect Satsuki. Remember she just recover from guilt from saving Akira's abusive father, this won't hold well for her psyche, and especially because (for Satsuki) it would validate prez's point.

In retrospect he killed one of the people in this manga least deserving of it. (Her crime was wanting to scare Shiina, a bully, into accepting her love which is messed up but uh...let's not forget the two characters that Satsuki's closest with have literally tried to murder her with a baseball bat and wrenching her fingers off a ledge so she could plummet in the past lol).

Alongside realizing Satsuki is a good person that she wants to be friends with, one of Michiru's last actions was realizing Seo had to logically have been the one to switch the relatively harmless salad oil with something much more adhesive and flammable. Due to that switcharoo Michiru became ostracized, bullied and coerced into doing the president's bidding which he uses to kill her.

He became the teacher he killed, just with extra steps...and I hope Satsuki revives him just long enough for those dots to connect and really sink in. Or how maybe him saving his friend is what screwed everything up, turning his own logic about fate against him. Though I might be overestimating his self-awareness here.

At this point, after a reread of the chapters, I'm most worried about Komachi. It feels like she's going to be the next one to make Satsuki doubt herself.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 16, 2020
"I wanted to make a pret tier world ... If only just for you " Yeah and making her participate in numerous assassination plan and make her kill a student wont darken her view on humanity of course... I dont understand the logic here.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2023
I hope the Pres dies. He has been so self righteous about killing everyone to save 1 person when in reality he is justifying his actions. I think Seo is doing this as revenge since this is what the 3rd time since she was good where the Prez has tried killing her for no reason. And if being good gets you nowhere then why not kill the threat when it forced you to awaken to the horrible person you were.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 2, 2020
Yeah, what was I thinking, paraphrasing J.R.R. Tolkien at an illiterate mouth-breathing moron like yourself. Ah well.
Heh, dares to call me moron yet youre the first one that resorted to insults and assumed stuff... For what again? For saying there is ppl that deserves to die? I didnt even say everyone who dies deserved it XD
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Ideologically he defeats Satsuki if he dies here.

No he fucking doesn't... His entire premise was deciding who should die and why. If he dies here, if anything, it means his philosophy on why what he was doing was meaningless.

And the fact you guys are cheering for his death simply because you don’t like him and he makes you mad makes you no different from him. Remember, Prez’s first kill was also someone awful who everyone would hate.

Oh, fuck off with this dumbshit argument. The guy is a killer who is being fringe killed in self-defense by someone he's been attempting to murder and WILL CONTINUE TO TRY and murder. Fuck right off with that bullshit. And "But he started out his serial killing by killing someone that was hated to protect someone he loved! That detracts from all the innocent people he murdered afterwards!"

You're doing well putting the "clown" in your name if you actually believe this shit.

...I fucking swear people like you would probably even contort themselves into a goddamn mental pretzel with your mental gymnastics bullshit to the point of even portraying Adolf Hitler the poor, downtrodden, misunderstood victim of WW2.
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Double-page supporter
Mar 17, 2019
Ah, there we go. No matter the subject, the place or the age, Godwin's Law stands firm and true both in occurrence and in consequence: any chance of having a healthy discussion has been decimated, and the guy who brought it up automatically loses the debate.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2019
Ah, there we go. No matter the subject, the place or the age, Godwin's Law stands firm and true both in occurrence and in consequence: any chance of having a healthy discussion has been decimated, and the guy who brought it up automatically loses the debate.
Yeah, not even gonna bother responding to him. The fact that he got so steaming mad about what I said says way more about him than me. That’s what people like to call projection. I’m willing to bet what I said struck a little too close to home for him.
Jul 8, 2019
Heh, dares to call me moron yet youre the first one that resorted to insults and assumed stuff... For what again? For saying there is ppl that deserves to die?
Oh, if you'd said everyone who dies deserves it, swine, I'd have no argument with that. We all deserve to die; that is why we inevitably do. But you are not the person who gets to decide who should and should not die, scum, and it's blatantly obvious that you do arrogate to yourself that right, filth.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 28, 2019
Welp I mean Prez had it coming. He can just show Satsuki that some people will never change by some other ways rather than killing them, but then again it's all depends on our beloved author.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 2, 2020
Oh, if you'd said everyone who dies deserves it, swine, I'd have no argument with that. We all deserve to die; that is why we inevitably do. But you are not the person who gets to decide who should and should not die, scum, and it's blatantly obvious that you do arrogate to yourself that right, filth.
Awwww the lil kid thinks only god has that right like his parents told him... if it isnt cute how innocent one can be? Well, half innocent bc the capacity to insult someone like that is impressive, as impressive as your capacity to assume stuff
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Jul 8, 2019
Awwww the lil kid thinks only god has that right like his parents told him... if it isnt cute how innocent one can be? Well, half innocent bc the capacity to insult someone like that is impressive, as impressive as your capacity to assume stuff
Back at you about making assumptions, pillock. I'm neither young nor innocent.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2018
And many people who do die deserve to live. Only one who can give both life and death should be so quick to deal out death in judgment, you pathetic fucking edgelord.
Someone listened to Gandalf , I see. I don't remember him accusing Frodo of being an edgelord, thought...
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