They won't hire anyone because hiring a human translator costs money.Can you morons please hire a goddamn English speaker to proof read your mtl? There are so many obvious errors that literally anyone with a basic understanding of English could catch.
It's just so annoying, because it still requires a human to copy over the text from the script when you typeset a manga page, so if they had literally any English knowledge they would notice the obvious mistakes and correct them instantly.They won't hire anyone because hiring a human translator costs money.
DeepL and Google translate is free and robots don't complain about lack of pay or being overworked.
Hey, I'm not familiar with all this. Could you please explain?Oh, it's ManhwaFreak's Backup.
someone bring the popcorn, because I can't wait to see the absolute trashfire this'll end up being.
Utoon is an alt/subsidiary to ManwhaFreak and Reset Scans. From what I have encountered, they are pump and dump machine translators and in many cases they use Google translate and DeepL only leading to terrible translations filled with poor grammar and idioms/phrases that aren't adapted well.Hey, I'm not familiar with all this. Could you please explain?
This Contributor guy is still posting their translations. Are they part of them or just posting their translations unaware of their reputation?Utoon is an alt/subsidiary to ManwhaFreak and Reset Scans. From what I have encountered, they are pump and dump machine translators and in many cases they use Google translate and DeepL only leading to terrible translations filled with poor grammar and idioms/phrases that aren't adapted well.
When it comes to editing, they seem to be adverse to hiring redrawers, they frequently submit pages of different sizes, they slap their watermark on every other page in an obscenely large and colorful manner in addition to full page ads in the middle of chapters. For some reason when they actually do some redrawing, they alter images poorly to eliminate cleavage by making it into blurry uni-boob. They also submit works with missing pages way to frequently.
I actually came here today to see if anyone else has noticed their new (new to me at least) trend of sniping active translations from other groups. Specifically it looks like they are translating ones that now have anime adaptations that have recently come out or are in development. They aren't even trying to hide when they snipe by translating all chapters, just the most recent ones like here with Isekai Craft.
I'm pretty sure Contributor is just a scraper account that pulls from sources around the net. Since they do mass dumps, it may not even check for things like duplicate chapters or quality control. Can't really be upset with them since they get plenty of titles from other scanlators that do quality work.This Contributor guy is still posting their translations. Are they part of them or just posting their translations unaware of their reputation?
Oh, they've done it with more than cleavage. Legs, thighs, midriffs...they'll censor damn near anything to the standards of Puritans from 200 years ago. I think the peak example is probably their translation of Chapter 57 of "Han Daesung, Back From Hell". They censored pretty much every piece of exposed skin on a character (who was swimming, but not in a bathing suit, just s top and shorts) between the ankles and the neck, bar the arms. By applying the digital equivalent of whiteout to a colored manwha. It's as bad as it sounds, if not worse.Utoon is an alt/subsidiary to ManwhaFreak and Reset Scans. From what I have encountered, they are pump and dump machine translators and in many cases they use Google translate and DeepL only leading to terrible translations filled with poor grammar and idioms/phrases that aren't adapted well.
When it comes to editing, they seem to be adverse to hiring redrawers, they frequently submit pages of different sizes, they slap their watermark on every other page in an obscenely large and colorful manner in addition to full page ads in the middle of chapters. For some reason when they actually do some redrawing, they alter images poorly to eliminate cleavage by making it into blurry uni-boob. They also submit works with missing pages way to frequently.
I actually came here today to see if anyone else has noticed their new (new to me at least) trend of sniping active translations from other groups. Specifically it looks like they are translating ones that now have anime adaptations that have recently come out or are in development. They aren't even trying to hide when they snipe by translating all chapters, just the most recent ones like here with Isekai Craft.
Except all the other groups "Contributor" posts chapters for seem to be legit publishers that are allowed to be uploaded to MD, or redirect links to chapters on the publisher's sites.I'm pretty sure Contributor is just a scraper account that pulls from sources around the net. Since they do mass dumps, it may not even check for things like duplicate chapters or quality control. Can't really be upset with them since they get plenty of titles from other scanlators that do quality work.
I’ve noticed it’s actually the account electromaster who’s a Moderator/staff member is uploading for them and then switching it over to contributor, the account shows they‘ve uploaded for a lot of other group but utoon is the only one Ive seen they switched it over to contributor. just shows how bad utoon/mahwafreak’s rep is hahaExcept all the other groups "Contributor" posts chapters for seem to be legit publishers that are allowed to be uploaded to MD, or redirect links to chapters on the publisher's sites.
MahnwaFreak/UTOON/whatever they change their name to next is pretty much the opposite of that, and it's really suspicious that this account uploads their borderline spam.