chapter 2.2. shes horny for 2x index finger. I know that is large for a Japanese but tbh that is small... My Excalibur is not the grandest but I think its enough to purify her.
At first I thought the translation was terrible, but then I realized it was purposely terrible because that's the only way to make this terrible manga great. It wraps all the way around bad and back into good.
This is an epic gag meme manga with a mix of “How is this not hentai.” The translation is the best for this manga, it revitalizes the boring plot to a high degree where it becomes addictive. This is a very worth read for laughs and cool one off.
Lmao cant believe this became a manga, read the wn raws til 120, been basically dead for half a year but the story is aight. No significant drama just a horny mc with a sizable harem
To demonstrate how the latter chapters plays out, the MC had a potion made for him that made him into even more of a shota in exchange for a bigger ween