
Power Uploader
Nov 4, 2018
He writes his mainstream stuff under the Akiri alias now. I actually enjoyed Stretch a lot too.

I'm still a bit salty about the cancellation of Prism because of tracing though: it promised to be a yuri masterpiece. Even the only two volumes out are unbelievably good.
Sep 9, 2018
y'all gotta calm your tits and just appreciate the proactive MC going after her depressed vampire girlfriend. No need to to taint it with drama from other, completely unrelated manga/doujins/etc. And get off your damn high horses - good artists don't just stick to "safe" topics and scenes and plots and pics or whatever. In fact, any who do stay safe and don't ever produce anything illicit are either lieing and hiding the illicit stuff, or they aren't good artists. You don't improve and grow as an individual in a discipline which requires you to break molds by staying on the beaten, censored path.
If you can't handle reading that stuff, don't read it. That's what we have tags for. Read those first. If you're so effing sensitive you can't handle reading a "safe" work by someone who also makes "unsafe" works, then you may as well just stop reading anything at all besides Dr. Seuss stories.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2018
Glad I found this today, it is pretty nice. So nice I checked the authors other works... Well... didn't expect what I saw that is for sure.
Apr 7, 2018
I chuckled a little at the FBS bit. I work in a lab where we have a freezer full of it, and it smells somewhat off when you melt it to room temperature. I've joked about wanting to try it but I can only guess it tastes the way it smells.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
This series an't half bad but I wish someone would pick up Seifuku no Vampiress Lord, we need more quality vamp yuri like these.
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
This Yuri manga by Higashiyama Show is sexy. Hmm? I was talking about Prism (F)

This Shoujo Ai by Higashiyama Show is awesome. Oh yeah, it was called Stretch

Anyways, it's too soon to give up on Vampeerz. Sure it's a mess without a direction or purpose, but it'll get better. I believe!
Jun 9, 2019
Lol the extra chapter 😂 what else do you need in a manga tho? A Lesbian love story with kissing, fights, kissing, blood sucking... More kissing? 😍
Fed-Kun's army
May 14, 2019
The pieces at the moment seem to be lining up (no spoiler there) so I can safely say this series is well worth the read, to anyone who hasn't yet.

One thing's for sure, the mangaka is a versatile fellow. This is his third yuri series and it isn't anything like the previous two. Prism was shaping up to be a realistic, school-age, romance masterpiece before it was cut short, while Stretch dealt with young adults finding themselves. I hope he will keep on giving us more great yuri once Vampeerz is complete.

EDIT: I just remembered that Stretch isn't Yuri. It's not even Shoujo Ai. My bad.

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