I want to know what is the deal with his female friend. Did she at some point started working for the hero? Or did she tragically died? MC actually seemed smitten the first time he saw her.
@nerdy01 im guessing that either she started to get close to the hero at some point or the 2 of them got together.. maybe that could be one of the reasons why mc hates the hero? we basically know nothing about the reason of his hate after all
Um...what happened to the weird guy in the beginning that looked at and understood MC's equation? Nothing I hate more than a character introduced and then forgotten. Wait...there is something I hate more. Unexplained hatred.
@nerdy01 : I don't think the girl died. If you consider the response he shown when he saw his aunt (who we know definitively died) and the girl. He was a lot more calm with the girl and remembers an older version of her. I feel like he probably pushed the girl away because she was getting too close to the truth of him being a villain.
Ah, yes, the only series where the author consistently draws the pimples on our dear teenage MC's face. I actually admire the author for not forgetting about that.