Villains Are Destined to Die - Vol. 1 Ch. 11

Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
He...should know that this is all his fault, right? Did he seriously forget about the necklace incident? Or isn't her leaving exactly what he wants?

Well, it seems like what everyone wants is for her to keep being an tantrum-throwing easy target they can justify abusing.
Aggregator gang
Mar 7, 2019
It's implied that is the case, as the novel later on reveals that Penelope tried to run away a few times but they just built more walls and filled holes she found so that she won't escape, she can only go to events she is invited for, they talk a lot about wanting her gone, but they don't actually let her leave while abusing her and acting like it's her fault, maybe they don't want to see her running away because her absence would remind them of Yvonne or some crap like that, but the fact they abuse her while refusing to let her leave just makes them come across as total jerks.


Apr 8, 2019
Ahahaha I read 'fucker fucker' instead of 'flicker flicker' at percent part 😌😅😅😅
Sep 6, 2019
Right. It's headache inducing to try to make sense of this family's logic.
They keep telling her about how much they want her gone yet don't let her.
Question her when she doesn't lash out but antagonizes her when she does.
Knowing full well what happened with the food yet still shifting the blame onto to her because 'how dare she get rid of the one maid who agreed to tend to her.'

The younger brother is basically trying to get her to lash out to then be all "see, it's her fault." So now that she isn't behaving like that, he's acting like he's the victim... Honestly, ugh.
I was reading a bit of the novel. I swear I wanted to barf when the older brother got all upset that she didn't take his hand to get on the carriage. Like, does he dislike her calling him brother because of some weird "I don't want you to see me as a brother. I want you to see me as a man." bs?
Active member
Jun 4, 2019
I think he's started to realize how big of an impact he had on how Penelope acted. Also, he was a little brat back then, and at that age boys think they can get the attention of the girl they like by pulling their hair and bullying them. And I guess he just sorta fell into that pattern and it became second nature to him? He looks like an oblivious tsundere who is slowly coming to some realizations.
Jul 23, 2018
Poor Reynold.. he can’t even apologize.. being tsundere has its drawback it seems. Also, it’s too late for apologizes.
Apr 17, 2020
This is my first time seing a male character this hot with pink hair loll

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