Bringing back the maid that stabs you in your sleep with needles and might now have reasons to both despise and fear you seems like... not the power move this chapter makes it out to be.
Honestly her whole strategy seems built around some of the sort of compromising-with-abusers that is both entirely believable given her background, and also an absolutely terrible strategy for anyone who has any alternative (because abusive people aren't going to get better just because you're being reasonable). Arguably she has no viable alternative here, mind, as she's noted... Although, if I were her I'd consider taking my chances running away, to be honest, given how absurdly high the death risk seems to be at home (even for an abusive situation).
Anyway, with how grim the abuse and power-plays are in this one, I'm going to be a little mad if/when the series paints the brothers as actually okay guys later on (which feels like the natural progression of where this is going).