Wakamono no Kuro Mahou Hanare ga Shinkoku desu ga, Shuushoku shite Mitara Taiguu Iishi, Shachou mo Tsukaima mo Kawaikute Saikou desu! - Vol. 4 Ch. 20…

Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Who has time to pay attention to politics when the little sisters of the world are in unprecedented danger? That and I haven't been impressed with the political and economic expertise of manga authors so far.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
>people unironically defending Koolio
Oh fuck off, they were unfunny "everything is political" pro-communists who inserted shitty memes and SJW crap into a wholesome succubus love manga. The "politics" is like a couple pages here and there about working yet that was enough to convince brainlets that this manga was *all* about politics.

@MrGoose chapters have not been about that, please don't make shit up.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
indeed lol

Funnily enough, you will only see it work in amanga with magic and supernatural beings, because its never worked in real life.


Active member
Aug 8, 2018

The original translator dude Koolio was fruit loops insane. I went through some of the older comments and Credits pages. Take a look at this one to get a rough picture of what was going on.


Read the White blurb in the Bottom Right there. Scroll down. . . . . . yes, that's an extremely racist Anti-White excerpt from Robin DiAngelo. According the the article, apparently all White people who are against racism are all secretly racists. (*Yes that's in the bottom right white little article part on the credits page, no I'm not making this crazy shit up. It has some more crazy ideas like White people use the backlash against racism to play victim and they don't want to talk about racism to allow themselves to keep white privilege )

Oh and Koolio simply being a dick, jumping into a discord conversation, accusing Bravedude8, a Moderator and another user of being a racist and filling the credit page with that discord conversation like a badge of honor. Wow? That's super irritating, and it's not like this happened only once because Koolio pretty much got offended by the whole suite (Sexism, Racism, Genderism, whatver --ism Koolio can think of)

With annoying behavior like that, and Koolio constantly being offended everything and violating rule 3.2.7. twice in just this one credit page(Political, Racism), I wouldn't have been surprised if Koolio had gotten banned instead.

***Edit: I would also like to point out the consistent misbehavior by Koolio

Scroll to the bottom of this credits page. Extremely offensive and wtf. . . . it says "Cucked to White Establishment??" Wow really?

After seeing the previous 2 credit pages linked, do I need to say what is extremely offensive and wrong here? *hint, see previous example.
Group Leader
Jul 20, 2019
Woah didn't know there was this much drama, I was just happy to get releases
Active member
Feb 10, 2018
Wait a minute....
Turns out the cover story is not a lie 😮😮
May 2, 2019
> Scroll to the bottom of this credits page. Extremely offensive and wtf. . . . it says "Cucked to White Establishment??" Wow really?
Well, is the assertion wrong or something? The FBI was in fact up to no good during the Civil Rights movement.
Like I'd get it if he's making some sort of serious assertion but it's literally a virgin vs chad meme.

> In this context, after seeing the previous 2 credit pages, do I really need to say anything?
It's... it's a quote by MLK.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

Yeah and? This credit page, Bottom Right article. Explain that one, Not to me, TO THE AVERAGE PERSON.


You expect people to believe it's about civil rights when Koolio posted and recommended this bullshit first?

*edit: 4/6/20
May 2, 2019

Sure, it might be nonsense. In what universe is it offensive?
I dunno man... the entire article is saying white people will generally try to avoid questioning their own privilege. A dumb stereotype? Sure, but how is it remotely offensive?
Just to be clear here before you use a stupid analogy I would not be offended if it was about people with other skin colors either. It's a "credit page" for a TL - if I didn't like it I'd proceed to not read it.
It's not like it's some obnoxiously large text like the MLK quote either. It's a giant text wall that you have to deliberately try to read.

Moreover it's not like Kool-aid-io's translation of the manga itself had any issues - as many have pointed out (and this translation by a different group has demonstrated) it has inherently political dialogue.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 22, 2018
Ahahaha this is amazing, the endpage is hilarious. I hope you keep this up.
Oct 29, 2018
Straight up, a borderline H manga is no place to discuss politics take a hint from the prison school dub that everyone hated because they tossed in all those fake translations about gamergate and stuff that everyone hated/made fun of lol. I don't care to hear out other peoples politics but once again, there is a time and a place and it's not when I have my dong in my hand reading this.
Aug 12, 2018
Can you re-translate chapter 16?
Meme subs is freaking cancer.

I stopped reading this series and was hoping that someone replace that troll Koolio.
Now im picking this back up again.
Feb 22, 2018
@Traze But, it has though. Even if you don't like the politics of a manga, you can still like it without burrying your head in the sand and pretending it's not there. I agree their credit pages are completely unnecessary and probably not the place for this type of discussions but don't pretend like it's a coincidence. Re-read a couple of chapters, any story element that isn't tits is like overtly anti wage slavery/big business.

@Boag Right, not a single country on earth that has such radical social programs like "social insurance" or "childcare support" where the economy isn't falling apart and millions are starving in the street. I'm not even pro-socialism but any economist will tell you that higher taxes can stimulate the economy.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
This is the better translation. Good notes, too. Thanks for releasing.
Jan 20, 2018
What are you even talking about, this manga was literally shouting about social issues and politics, from the very first chapter.

But koolio's inserts were mostly completely irrelevant to chapter's topics and had too much memetalk, which is a completely different issue

Please keep it up with 'normal' TL of this, effort is much appreciated by all of us.
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018
@crazybars, @SirBatu, thank you for the info. I was ignoring that, looking back I detected insane SJW bullshit early on and just decided not to pay attention. Glad I didn't, cause it appears the nutjob other translator is a leftist neo-nazi (a "Marxist") and was posting anti-white racism in his stuff? Disgusting.
Jul 14, 2018
Thanks for giving us a proper translation, not some socialist meme garbage.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

Source. . . . . Bottom Right article

. . . . . . No. . . . the article is offensive because there's a bunch of nasty accusations pointed at white folk overall in there. Maybe it will help you understand if I put down below how a lot of people I know would logically respond to some of those passages in the article.

In a white supremacist context, white identity in large part rests upon a foundation of Superficial racial toleration and acceptance. Whites who position themselves as liberal often opt to protect what they perceive as their moral reputations, rather than recognize or change their participation in systems of inequity and domination.

Average person: Oh, so you're assuming that all White Liberals and Democratic politicians helping to push for racial toleration and acceptance are all actually closet White supremacists who are using their life's work as covers to create a system of domination and oppression just because they're White? Wow, you guys are really magnificent bastards.

When confronted with a challenge to white racial codes, many white liberals use the speech of self defense. This discourse enables defenders to protect their moral character against what they perceive as accusation and attack while deflecting any recognition of culpability or need of accountability.

Average Person: So people accused of racism are defensive and don't like it. Wow, and Water is Wet. Btw, a lot of these guys and politicians weren't alive during the 1960's, why should they care again? Oh yeah, they don't, too bad. Funny how that works, the people you can guilt trip are dying off, it won't work in the near future, and good riddance.

This discourse of victimization also enables whites to avoid responsibility for the racial power and privilege they wield

Average Person: Yeah sure, say White People are playing the victim card when you the writer are obviously playing the victim yourself of the so called White system. Yikes, hypocrisy at it's finest, no thanks. Good Bye.

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