Hi friends! I'm the translator+letterer for the last dozen or so chapters.
Sorry for the issues with chapters initially appearing incomplete (10 pages, then 20 pages, and so on). This is because I have to upload the chapters in batches of 5 or 10 pages, or otherwise I get a timeout in the MangaDex upload page. It also takes some time for the uploaded pages to actually load on the site after I give the "final enter" on them, so I have to keep F5'ing until they update haha. So in the end this leads to the "we have 10 pages, then 10 minutes later, we have 20 pages, then a further 10 minutes later, we have 30 pages, and so on".
@mingusbingus noted above you'll be able to tell whether the chapter has finished uploading by checking whether the last page is a promo page or not. (Hah! Now it serves a purpose besides just being like promotional stuff or whatever xD)
I'm really sorry for the confusion this caused here and in previous chapter threads, and also for not clarifying this sooner; I didn't know MangaDex had comments until like 20 minutes ago. Now I'll keep an eye on here whenever I release new chapters 😊
On this last point, feel free to tell me if you find anything odd about the translation (like typos) or the lettering (like off-centered text) that escaped revision; I'll fix them as soon as I can!
Lastly I'm really really happy you've been enjoying the chapters! I also really like this manga and have been enjoying how things have been going in the story lately a lot!
(I hate the new blonde guy though lol)